Well now back to the ball and the post after from that brief commercial....
Charlest you are correct in Fran being a fantastic person, and quite a bowler. This ball had approximately a 3 1/2 to 4" pin, with the pin just slightly above the fingers. So fairly "normal", despite Fran's propensity for unusual specs.
Now Fran can change his game tremendously, depending on the conditions. But typically, he has just above average speed and revs, with that unique side step after delivery. Oft times many have compared my game with his (minus the side step) and considering we are almost identical in height, weight and age, with similar approach, swing, etc. This makes lining up off each other fun.
So, with all that in mind, this is why my origional observation came to be, since we both have thrown similar equipment, and prefer the same "looks" on the lane.
I would definitly consider this ball to fit into the "control" category for any med-lite to med condition. Clean thru the heads, with a smooth continuous arc from mids thru the backend. Despite a fresh pattern (no carrydown, and squeeky clean backends) it did not "jump" or over react on the back end at all.
I am hoping to be able to go again this coming Tuesday, and I'll try to get a follow up for you and Jeff.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were
www.MTFD.com - a NY State Vol. Fire Department
www.BowlWNY.com - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone
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24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is