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Author Topic: Freak-A-Zoid  (Read 5978 times)


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« on: July 27, 2004, 09:23:36 PM »
Had the opportunity to see Fran Bax throw this last night during the Classic Shootout. It appeared to be drilled pin above fingers, slight right kick out on cg. He said he wanted it for more "control" on the PBA shots, and hopefully to get some "push" with it. This was his first outing with the ball, during practice.

Now having bowled with Fran quite often in the past, here is what could observe.
The ball seemed to be clean through the heads, and when it started its move, it was a smooth continuous arc. Could not see, or at least it didn't appear, to be "jumpy" off of any dry areas, just smooth and continuous. It did not "squirt" in the oil either.

It seems that this ball could be quite a good "control" ball on medium-light to medium conditions. have to consider one for myself after seeing it in his hands.
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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2004, 10:08:32 AM »
Rick, 3-4 less than the Untamed sounds pretty strong,...that's good!

You're right again Jeff, the reaction was stronger then I originally thought but which is good for me personally because my tilt has gone ridiculously high over the last few years.  It read the oil line very nicely and that was something I've been wanting also, it didn't squirt like most balls.  

MTFD, I'd say anybody with some decent hand would have to polish this to get the cleaner push thru the heads because of how much it wants to pull, me? works just fine...

I did get a better reaction in the oil (more direct) vs trying to loop it which makes sense because this design was for control, not for wheeling right.  Just a few more tidbits...
Rick Leong
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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2004, 12:23:40 PM »
Ok Rick, so now that you have thrown the ball, how do you think it will do on carrydown?? Is the ball strong enough or early enough to get through it. Please let me know as I am on the verge of getting a Sheer Havoc, but really want to know about the Freakazoid first. Thanks in advance.
"Why cant I just throw the ball the same way EVERY TIME??

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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2004, 01:10:37 PM »
What I am hearing about this ball interests me, but sounds different from what Bob Learn told me. His exact quote was "I see this replacing the Crunch Time". NOW....don't get me wrong, the Crunch Time does have some hint of control, but it does move pretty strong on the backend.

With this new style I am trying control is going to be essential, and I have not tried the Sheer Havoc throwing this way. I have been far too lazy to redo all of my equipment.....the season is starting so I have to light the blowtorch under my rear!!!!
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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2004, 01:15:41 PM »
Is the CT going away ?? Any rumors to that?

I see this being stronger than the CT....but what do I know........
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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2004, 04:13:53 PM »
Frodo...errrr, I mean Rick how is your Freak-A-Zoid drilled compared to your Sheer?  Let me know when you get a chance to compare these two so I can have some idea of how to lay them out.  I'm experimenting with different grips so I won't drill any of the new stuff for another week or so.  I want the Sheer and the FAZ to compliment each other so I want to know which one to drill stronger.  I'm leaning towards the Sheer because of the light particle and then switch off the FAZ when I need a little more downlane.


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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2004, 05:26:53 PM »
Hey Shrek...umm, I mean Chapman  I'll try and compare both tonite along with my other med stuff if time permits.  Hey wait...if you're Shrek, does this make me Eddie Murphy??

Ex, Mr Learn is a tough guy to gauge stuff on.  With his speed and release, I'd say he would get more out of a shiny resin ball than even a sanded Animal cause he plays more of the midlane to backend only.  I mean I think he could literally fire anything thru the heads which makes it tough to see what the ball is actually doing or trying to do.  It's all relative bud...

Rock, I'll try and test more tonite but I'd really like to try this outside of my center.  I don't like the shot that's out, too deceiving.  More to come...
Rick Leong
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Brian Green

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Re: Freak-A-Zoid
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2004, 11:54:46 PM »
hey guys......

     i did in fact discuss this ball with fran and Brian ( MTFD24) and it looked like a pretty controllable ball.... the drilling was pin above bridge and cg slightly kicked out to the right....  i didnt see a weight hole  so i am guessing it had maybe  a 1/4 to a 1/2 ounce of sideweight  which might have added to the controllability of the ball......  also the pin looked to be like a 3 to 3 1/2 inch pin...  

as for the pattern i honestly dont know  what it was   but it may have well be pattern e  because i know this was the first pattern i have bowled on that forced me to play near the gutter......  usually i am playin 17 or 18 out to 10 at the breakpoint...(on the left side)  on this particular pattern i was at 7 out to like 4 at the breakpoint........

you can laugh at the way i bowl   but i will be the one laughin when i am takin your money
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