Of course a pin plcement should be based on his pap. However I will give you a rough estimate without knowing his pap.
On the animal from my experiance if you put the pin belwo the finger line say belwo the ring it really helps the ball get into an earlier roll. This is a good plaement for your friend with his low revs and high speed. I would put the pin below and just right of the ring.
For the mb plaement I would kick that far right. Once again this would help to know his pap. I would use the #3 mb position on tracks drilling sheeet for this ball. This will also help get the ball into an earlier roll.
So pin below and just right of ring and the MB in the #3 position based on Tracks drilling sheet. This will make this ball want to hook a lot.
Now with what a lot of us on this site know about the animal's cover is this. For heavy oil the animal works best with a 600 grit surface. There is a huge difference between a 600 grit surface and the compound surface this ball came with. It's like night and day.
I would have your friend drill it up with the new layout and try it. If the ball still wont hook enough for him then adjust the cover. Remember though if a strong ball is used on too dry of a condition for the cover it will appear to not hook enough. Bowlers mistake this not hooking because of the ball not being strong enough when in fact the ball is burning up it's energy and that is what's causing it to not hook enough. If the ball is burning up then adding magic shine polish will do the trick. If the ball is not burning up and there is a lot of oil then 600 grit would be the way to go.
I hope this helps.