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Author Topic: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)  (Read 1228 times)

CouCh O MaTiC

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Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« on: September 21, 2004, 02:54:17 PM »
Hey guys, I was wondering which of the two new coverstocks released by Track and Columbia work better in oil out of the box.  I have read a few reviwers of the Rule say that the ball sometimes cannot make the turn on heavier patterns or carrydown.  The Bully is supposedly meant for heavy patterns but not many people talk about it as much as the Rule.  Would anyone be able to compare both?  I know both balls hook a ton (Moreso the Rule), but on heavier patterns which of the two would be more ideal?  

Edited on 9/22/2004 9:19 PM



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Re: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 11:49:29 PM »

By reading some of the reviews on this site, I would have to say the Rule.  Some of the guys who actually know what they are doing, have said that the Rule has amazing recovery even on carrydown.  I have seen it first hand as well.  This ball is definitely for medium to medium-heavy conditions.  I used one straight off the drill press.  The backends were pretty clean but had plenty of head oil.  I was sliding around 45 hitting the arrows at 20 with my breakpoint out at the 5 board and the ball went brooklyn.  I think what will separate the Rule from the Bully, is that the Rule will clear the heads better than the Bully.  For guys with alot of hand, the Rule will be the better choice.  For guys with lower rev rates, I believe the Bully is the way to go, though you can't really go wrong with either ball.  We just had a Track Clinic here in Atlanta with Cohen's Strike Zone and he sold 20 Rules.  GRANTED, there were no Bullys to be sold, but with all the different styles that showed up (righties, lefties, crankers, tweeners, strokers), that there were that many Rules that were bought and drilled that weekend.  Chuck Gardner, the Track Rep, could have went with an Animal or Phenom Unleashed as balls for heavier patterns.  BUT.....the majority he suggested was the Rule.  That has to account for something.
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Steven Vance
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Re: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2004, 11:57:42 PM »
i have both the bully and the rule and the rule is a lot more aggressive.  Has more angular backend and can handle more oil whereas my bully is a lot smoother in the fronts and nice arc on the backend.  Not the same at all.
Ike Brownfield

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Re: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2004, 12:33:41 AM »
Track has complete control over its own coverstocks and cores. The Track people put a lot of effort into their choices of products. Because they are all one company, please do not confuse them as one. Track is a separate entity and their decisions are their own.


EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanE bEd

CouCh O MaTiC

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Re: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2004, 09:12:37 PM »
Thanks for all the replies guys!

For guys with alot of hand, the Rule will be the better choice. For guys with lower rev rates, I believe the Bully is the way to go, though you can't really go wrong with either ball.

I was just a little confused why this is the case?  I would think it would be the other way around?  On a broken down shot with a fair amount of carrydown would you still take the Rule over the Bully?  I'm looking for something than would get through the heads clean and still fight through the carrydown after my Blueberry just can't make the turn anymore.  Which of the two is more versatile in this sense?


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Re: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2004, 09:49:28 PM »
There may be significant difference in the balls due to the cores, but anyone who believes there is much difference between Goo and M80 probably also believes that Lane 1 Radioactive Resin is different than Brunswick Activator.

LoL but bob, there is so much more research put in by brunswick for lane 1 coverstocks! and plus, they always "tweak" the cover (whatever that means, i'm sure all the chemists on here will chime in) to make it more versatile for diamond cores!

Edited on 9/23/2004 9:53 PM


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Re: Goo (RULE) vs. M80 (BULLY)
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 10:00:13 PM »
I prefer tenderloin over ribeye or t-bone.  Striploin and sirloin is pretty good too!