Beneath the surface, it looks like your driller has helped you out. It looks like he has put the pin in a position where the ball will want to rev sooner (pin under the fingers generally make the ball roll sooner; pin-above delays roll), and the MB that far right of your thumb will want to promote a quicker, smoother roll as well.
Two things might have happened:
1) Your driller does not respect your knowledge of the sport and was "talking down" to you when you were discussing what you wanted the ball to do.
2) Your driller is not aware of the newest equipment on the market and therefore did not know what the Rule GP2 was designed to do.
Unfortunately, instead of trying to talk/educate you on the nuances of drilling, he did what you wanted and drilled it to roll early. Had he been looking to foster a better, more educated relationship, he would not have told you that the finger AND thumb weights were both maxed, as they have an inverse relationship (maxed for both would be zero, theoretically. If you had 1/4oz. finger weight, you'd have -1/4oz thumb weight). I would not suggest searching out another driller, but in the future, you might want to read up on some of the terms associated with ball drilling so that you can "speak his language", and perhaps he will be more willing to give you an educated response. If he truly believes that he has "maxed out" finger and thumb weight, then you might want to seek another driller.
Hope this helps!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member