Hey frock,
Without knowing your pap, the GP2 looks to be drilled pretty stable. Having the pin under (and out left) also with the mb out towards/on to past val will make the ball roll early and even. The layout does fit the description of what you're giving.
If you look at the layout on the Primal, the pin is up and the mb is in more of what we call the strong position for a stronger backend reaction. If you plug the GP2 and redrill to a similar pattern, you can achieve a later and stronger backend reaction with the ball.
I thought you mentioned that your driller drilled it this way fearing that it may burn out with the other layout? He actually drilled it to roll early and your pin looks to be a little close to pap also but this is only speculation because I don't know your exact measurements. If you want the ball to be able to open up the shot better for you, I'd recommend plugging and redrilling. Also please supply us with your pap info and we can be more specific in regards to the layout, thanks.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Staff