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Author Topic: GP2 layouts  (Read 580 times)


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GP2 layouts
« on: April 26, 2005, 05:20:21 PM »
Anyone got a picture or a layout that works good for them with the pin above the fingers.Pictures are reversed sorry did the best i could with my web cam. I am a right hander and need the ball to be less aggressive then how its drilled now but i do not want to tame it too much. Tried polish and it still burnt out on me. Here is a link to how the ball is drilled and no i am not a lefty i am a righty.

Edited on 4/27/2005 9:23 AM


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: GP2 layouts
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2005, 10:07:34 AM »

I have one drilled with the pin above the ring finger and MB just right of the worked very well for me when I had no chance of using the other GP2s.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: GP2 layouts
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2005, 10:47:59 AM »
Yeah still not sure what I am going to do with this. Clint says this one is just drilled maxed out and will need Alot of oil to work. Clint gave me his drilling of pin below ring finger cg in palm and mass bias to the left of the thumb. Looked funky when we drew it on the ball so i was not sure if i was going to go with it or not till i talk all u staffers more. I am waiting for the shop to open and will be workin on the new layout ideas more and more today. Thanks for all your help and i am def intrested in that Exception we talked about just got to save up might be a few weeks maybe when my league is over in 4 weeks or if i can get some side jobs.


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Re: GP2 layouts
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2005, 12:19:03 PM »
Hey Iceman,

You can place the pin above bridge and mb just right of thumb where Ex states but I'm still a little leary about the fact that you polished it and it still burned up.  Layouts and patterns do dictate what the ball reaction will be but if the surface (even polished) is too strong for your conditions, the layout will not change that fact.  The GP2 is meant for heavy oil.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: GP2 layouts
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2005, 11:57:57 PM »
   After polishing the GP2 I am not totally sure I could say that it burnt out on me or not. Seemed like the ball never got into a good room polished or out of box. Besides the fact that the old A--h--- drilled it and I do not trust a thing he touchs. I am working on getting some video of me throwing everything to let you all see whats going on. Do not put out that i might not be throwing it right. I did hear something from one of the guys in the pro shop down here in Jersey where they held the us open this year Semiz Pro shop. He saw me throwing it one night and came over and looked at the ball and said that the track rep had told them that they had a problem with some of the first GP2. I can not remember what exzactly he said was wrong with them, but i do remember him saying that they would just go for 80 feet and never hook. He looked at the serial number and said he thought i had gotten a good one but was not sure. Has anyone every heard of this?

    Getting back to the whole drilling thing. So I can use the ball in more conditions i.e. more house shoots. We have tamed down the ball. We put the pin right in the center and above the fingers. Cg under the ring finger and then we were afrid of where to put the mb. I take very very very close to the thumb hole i.e. Clint. So we put the mb basically right on the thumb hole maybe alittle below it not sure off the top of my head. I have not thrown the ball yet i will be tommorw hopefully everything works out and i get some good video to post.

I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has helped me. You guys are outstanding and am overwelmed with all the help I have gotten from total strangers. Thank You all and to everyone at track.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: GP2 layouts
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2005, 07:34:02 AM »

I have not heard of any problems with earlier or later released GP2s, I can say that I got 3 of them in the first week of January (very close after release date) and every one of them hook, and hook very well.
Once you get a chance to throw the ball get back to us.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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