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Author Topic: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?  (Read 615 times)


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Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« on: November 08, 2005, 03:25:35 AM »
I need a ball to get through the heads decently...I have the Desert...but once you hit oil, as you know it just skates. I highly dislike resin and dislike pearls even more. However, I do like the Arsenal Reactive. I am looking at the following:

Also, remember I will be drilling the Robo Rule I get through the Fast Track package, but whenever that is who knows for sure.

1. ARSENAL REACTIVE- Get a 3rd Arsenal Reactive, polish it up with Delayed or Magic Shine, and put a milder drill on it..(sort of my old favorite drill pin under ring, cg palm).

2. ARSENAL AGGRESSIVE- Get a 3rd Aggressive and pretty much do the same as above as I would do to the Arsenal Reactive as well.

3. XCEPTION- Even though I really don't like pearls or resin, and this is both, drill this up to roll early to smooth the backend out....the Goo LS will help it get down the lane as will the polished pearl cover.

Here is what I carry with me now:
1. GP2- Factory surface (old favorite drill)




2. GP2- factory surface


____________o-cg____X-extra hole on PAP

________O________mb (on VAL)

3. GP2-factory surface only a few shots

_____________o-pin (same spot as #1 above)
____________________o-cg_X-extra hole on PAP


4. Arsenal Aggressive-factory surface(same layout as GP2 #2 above)


______________o-cg___x-extra hole on PAP


5. Arsenal Reactive-factory surface





6. Desert Heat-factory surface (same layout as GP2 #2
and Arsenal Aggressive from above)



7. Arsenal Reactive-just came in today, will drill like this
Factory Surface tonight:


________cg in this area somewhere  X-extra hole if necessary


8. Arsenal Aggressive-factory surface, favorite drill as GP2 above




WELL, what do you think. I am really set on one of the 3 balls I mentioned above. I am leaning toward the reactive right now as pearls are squirty for me usually and Aggressive has particle, albeit a low load, and it will help pick the ball up a tad quicker than I want. But, I am willing to listen to whatever you have to say or think!


Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460



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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 11:52:49 AM »

I have an aggressive that is in the out of box condition and is drilled like this: The pin is just under my ring finger and an inch to the right. The cg is in the the the center of the grip and an inch outside of the pin. With the x hole on my PAP

____ o pin
_____ o cg  X extra hole

Sorry for the bad visual representation
Member of The Revolution since 2005

Edited on 11/8/2005 12:45 PM

Edited on 11/8/2005 12:51 PM


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2005, 12:39:53 PM »
I have other stuff....I have a Slash, Heat, etc...just for me, the stuff that doesn't move much on its own doesn't do much for me and can get real over/under real quick...thus why when I find a ball I like I stick with it(them in this case). Thats why I have 6 GP2s...just don't take all of them with me everywhere...I also have a few Deltas, 5.0, X, Rule...I just don't use them much unless I am giving lessons for instructional purposes as they don't fit too too well in my game...

If you remember right, before the year started..I was only going to use 6 GP2s for the whole year...while that went by the wayside, I feel with those 6 GP2s I can cover 90% or more of what I see...but...when you are on staff, the people you bowl with and against want to see you use the new stuff, plus it helps sell more balls when you use something new and do well with it...but if I didn't have the shop...I would have 6 GP2s, A Desert, and 1 more ball in there...probably the Arsenal Reactive. I think the GP2 is that good and my game and knowledge is decent enough I can make adjustments/move when needed rather than rely on the ball more than needed.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Edited on 11/8/2005 1:36 PM


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2005, 01:17:45 PM »
Clint I just traded a friend my aggressive for his GP2, draw me a picture of a layout that I can use on a heavy long condition without much backend. Remember I'm a lefty. Share a little of your expertise. Thanks


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 01:24:36 PM »

It's funny; I was/am going to do a couple of the things you mentioned.  I had an Xception that I was going to redrill with the MB out toward my VAL (I have a GP2 drilled like this), but I gave the ball to a friend instead.  I currently have an Arsenal Reactive drilled much like the one you're going to drill tonight, and I feel like it's rolling sooner than I'd like, so I'm planning to hit it with some Magic Shine and see how it reacts then.

Without having an unlimited knowledge of ball drilling, I'd suggest the following:  Since you have an Arsenal Reactive with the pin over fingers already (#5), why not put some Magic Shine on that one, and then drill an Arsenal Reactive with the pin right of your ring, CG swung out and under your midline...maybe go with a lower weighthole (1"-2" under your PAP)...??  I'm not sure if that would work well for you (no mention of that sort of drilling in the equipment you said you liked), but I'd think it would give you good separation between your three Arsenal Reactives.  I have a Freak-a-Zoid drilled similar to that, and I love the reaction I've gotten from it.  IF I ever get on staff, I'd love to try that with a Reactive.

One blatant point I should make that runs contrary to my suggestion-  If you LOVE the reaction you're getting from (#5), you might be hesitant to change anything with that ball.  I know I wouldn't want to touch it.

Good luck...hopefully you get a lot of good're always good at helping everybody else out!
Jeff Voght
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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2005, 01:27:16 PM »
Something like GP2 #3 I have drawn above, factory surface, but reversed for you being a lefty. The mass bias on/near the VAL will get the ball rolling early while the pin in leverage position (3 3/8 from PAP) will make for max reaction downt he lane. Place the pin no higher than the finger line...the higher up the pin, the taller the core, the more it skates down the lane. The lower the pin, the shorter the core and it starts rolling quicker, and you need all of the above if you are on heavy oil with little need the ball to start rolling quicker!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2005, 01:29:33 PM »

I'd go for something like this:


--------(CG anywhere)


By placing the MB (Mass Bias) 3-4" left of your thumb, you'll help the ball get into an earlier roll.  Placing the pin under and left of your fingers will also promote an earlier roll while still giving a relatively strong move at the breakpoint. sure that your condition really is long and heavy before using this drilling, because it will want to roll too soon on anything short of extreme oil!

Good luck!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2005, 01:30:01 PM »
Jeff...I really like the reaction out of my first Arsenal Reactive....just rolls way to nice and the way it goes down the lane is like nothing else I have.
I do appreciate your comments and I do like the drill sugestion you gave for beside the pin, cg out/under midline.....sounds like a nice idea!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Edited on 11/8/2005 2:51 PM


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2005, 01:59:36 PM »
Thanks guys.


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2005, 03:40:19 PM »
Or, you can wait for the Robo Rule to become available, which hopefully is very soon!
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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2005, 06:16:28 PM »
clint have u ever tried a zero degree layout *cg on pap* pin 4 inches from pap (being a hi tracker myself i think you would like this drill...i seem to get great length with it as well and a really smooth backend)

but also dont forget that you can also vary the cover greatly for instance taking it up to 4000 grit abralon then throwing polish over top of it etc


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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2005, 12:07:24 AM »
Clint, I feel you should add another aggressive because you like particles.  Plus the aggressive will give you the backend like a reactive.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Need "ANOTHER" new ball...what are your thoughts?
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2005, 07:30:52 PM »
3. XCEPTION- Even though I really don't like pearls or resin, and this is both, drill this up to roll early to smooth the backend out....the Goo LS will help it get down the lane as will the polished pearl cover.



I would be a bit worried about this.....BECAUSE drilling it to roll early, even if you place a strong shine on the ball will cause more of a hook set reaction which may not offer up the type of HIT we are all used to getting out of the Xception.

If you are pretty set on the Arsenal Reactive......I would try drilling one of them with the pin in your palm and CG stacked directly may need to get a shorter pin distance to start, like a 1 inch pin would be perfect.

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