While talking to a lot of people on this site as well as factory personnel about the Vertigo and Absolute, the Track GP2 caught my eye. I was a little leary about this Track GP2 as I have had bad experiences in the past with Track balls such as the Contender and Assassian, but did have good experience with the Triton Elite Solid, so I decided to look into the GP2. I talked to Brian Percel, Del Warren, Tenpinspro, EXCALIBER, etc. and all recommended this ball for my style and all recommended the same drilling/layout, so being very shakey
I decided win or lose, "to go for it."
I got the GP2 yesterday and was still nervous about this decision clear up until I threw my first ball. And after that first ball,
WOW! I couldn't belive how this ball rolled, hooked hit, etc. I was simply amazed. I was able to play several different lines with this ball and still get it to the pocket. If I pulled it, it held. If I got it too wide, it still came back to the pocket. And the ball never did roll out on any shot. I simply could not believe this ball's action. To sum it up, this ball was like my other balls being on steriods.
The lanes yesterday were a wee bit lighter than medium, but this GP2 didn't care what the lane condition was. I was able to play deeper than I normally can. I shot 629 which isn't great for a lot of you bowlers, but is for me as I currently have a 184 average plus I was doing a lot of moving around seeing what this ball would do and wasn't shooting for score.
Anxious to get back to the lanes next week. Bowling from the various angles I bowled at yesterday, I don't worry about heavier oil conditions as this ball gives me all kinds of room to work with.
Many thanks to all, especially Tenpinspro and EXCALIBER. I bugged them over and over again with questions, hesitation and etc., but in the end I trusted them and it really paid off "big time." I suspect this ball could replace my Impulse Zone as being the first ball out of my bag. A few more games will tell. I will post again after I have had this ball for awhile....The specs were:
Top Weight......2.5 (before drilling)
Pin Placement...4" from PAP under RF
MB Placement....5" from PAP (approx. 1 1/2" out from edge of thumb hole)
CG location about 1/16" above center grip line
Weight hole on VAL on a line drawn from PIN thru CG to VAL.
Why do you need my signature?....You know who I am.