Ok, I already got the ball rolling (pardon the pun) on this subject in a different thread, but didn't have all the details to go with. So here goes...
Basically, I'm looking for a good second shift ball. The house is wood, med/heavy oil THS, 7 - 7, to 40 ft. The first shift tends to play down and in around the second and third arrows. When our shift starts I actually love the shot for the first and second games...play about 10/12-5 with nice room right and a teensy bit of room left (although too far left and your looking at buckets or washouts). I will throw either the Contender or the Triton Elite Pearl, depending on which reads better on a particular night.
The problem is by the third game the heads are absolutely fried and there is a LOT of carrydown. At this point the Elite becomes too erratic. Move left the slightest bit and it skids in the carrydown and never turns the corner. Move a little bit right and it snaps way too hard too early. The Contender becomes a victim of over/under as it can't clear the heads. Move right and it rolls immediately. Move way left and swing, it makes it to the pocket and hits like a marshmallow. I can pipe the Code Red SE to the pocket but it leaves a ton of tens, fours and nines.
So I think I'm looking for something that can clear the heads (ala the Elite) but can turn the corner a bit harder to handle the carrydown. Now, I know absolutely nothing about laying out a ball, I just know how to throw 'em...LOL. These are the layouts for these three balls...
http://community.webshots.com/user/gerwdThe Slash and Crunch Time have been suggested as they have the same core as the Elite. The Hexplosion and Sheer Havoc have been thrown around as well. If anyone has any suggestions on which ball, with what layout and what surface prep would fit this bill it would be GREATLY appreciated!
My apologies for the novel but I am just trying to sort through all of the options that are available and I don't have the luxury of just drilling out a bunch of different balls to see what MIGHT work (limited funds
). Some of you guys make me jealous
Thank you in advance for any light that anyone can shed on this.
Edited on 1/29/2005 11:56 PM