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Author Topic: confused???(ball reactions)  (Read 1210 times)


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confused???(ball reactions)
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:44:53 AM »
Ok guys, i'm really confused about my ball reactions!! I seem to be able to take two balls(2 of the same ball or 2 different ones) and put 2 different drills on them and still get about the same reaction! Is this me trying to hard to get the ball with the weaker reaction to hook more and vice versa or is my release that bad? Any ideas??




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Re: confused???(ball reactions)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 01:09:42 PM »
To be a little more explicit than DeadFlush, house oil patterns have the potential to reduce the difference in the reaction of any pair of balls, to such a degree that these balls, which can be very different in their overall essence and designed oil coverage, will appear to be the same.

You should test or compare balls on 2 - 3 different oil patterns and on 2 or 3 different lane surfaces, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, in a couple of different centers, BEFORE you fix in your mind how one ball differs from another
OR before you assume that one ball is identical to another.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 2/28/2007 2:07 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: confused???(ball reactions)
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 01:50:02 PM »
Hey Ken,

The guys are right.  Typically on some house patterns or for me over/under conditions will produce very similar reactions because the ball responds from friction near or within the same area in order to to return to the pocket.  

My analogy to help my customers understand differences is to compare our all season tire and a snow tire.  When do we see an actual difference between the two?  Only if the road is covered in snow should we see the all season tire slide and the snow tire be able to grab some and give us some type of response.  If the road were "dry", then both tires would create traction and friction where we wouldn't see that much of a difference.  

Based on this, if a lane offers enough friction, 2 balls can very close or similar in reaction.  I second what Charlest states on using the balls on "different" conditions so maybe then you will be able to see the different properties of each piece.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop  
Vise Inserts Staff
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Tag Team Coaching - Co-Founder

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*El Presidente of the Track Legion

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: confused???(ball reactions)
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 02:09:26 PM »

It is more than likely the pattern you are bowling on.....but it could be a number of things. If you want to explore the problem further give me a call or shoot me a message and I can have you come over to West Side and we can see if we can further explore the possibilities.

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Edited on 2/28/2007 3:07 PM
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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