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Author Topic: Havoc vs Crunch  (Read 3097 times)


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Havoc vs Crunch
« on: February 26, 2004, 12:04:49 PM »
I wanted to get everyones opinion on the length, backend, and overall strength of these two balls in comparison. I need a ball for mid-lane roll and recovery on a medium heavy condition. The particle balls seem to burn or hook to early on this condition and others are shooting good with dull reactive. I appreciate everyones help.
Deven Walls

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2004, 06:41:09 AM »
Hi DW,

You may get some conflicting replies but here's my input.  My Crunch and Havoc are in two different categories.  My Crunch drilled 5x3(pin above bridge) went real long on a med condition with a strong finish on dry backends, didn't like carrydown.

So far, my Havoc drilled 4x2.75 mb (pin under ring) mb past val, reacted very strong in med-heavy oil.  It cleared the heads and mids fine and still had a very strong finish on the backends.  This ball could eat thru the carrydown for me though vs the Crunch.  However, I see that A.Chapman(my partner in crime out here) has a different opinion on this which is very interesting.  From listening to the various feedbacks, (as I stated in my other post also) the Havoc is very responsive to the various layouts applied.  It appears to be doing exactly what it is supposed to in regards to it's layout.  

Overall difference, my Havoc is easily 6-7 boards stronger for me then the Crunch.  I also don't feel the Crunch can be used for med-heavy, it wasn't designed for that much oil unless you have a ton of hand.  Hope this helps...
Rick Leong
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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 09:10:59 AM »
I have very limited use of my Havoc since I'm nursing an injury but so far in about 20 games of testing in four different houses, I'm not seeing drastic differences between these two balls because they do have the same coverstock.  My Crunch and Havoc both have the same surface (1200 with Clean N Sheen).  Both have pins 4.5" from my axis.  The Havoc has the MB just right of the thumb (90* layout) with the Crunch having a 45* layout with an extra hole on the axis.  They both cover about the same number of boards with the Crunch being a little stronger in the midlane and back (no more than a 2 boards though depending on the condition).  But that's also because of the stronger "MB".  I plan on getting another Havoc and drilling it the same as the Crunch to see what differences they are.  As tenpinspro said, the Havoc (as well as Track's other asymmetrical balls) are very responsive to various layouts so I'm sure with a stronger MB and same layout as the Crunch, the Havoc will be stronger in the mids and downlane.  Just not sure how much.  It could also be that I'm using polish on both and that narrows down the differences between the balls.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2004, 12:00:16 PM »
I agree with tenpinspro. The Havoc is alot more ball than the Crunch. They both get good midlane roll/read, but the Havoc just has more of it.
Carl Hurd

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2004, 01:05:12 PM »
For those of you that say the Havoc is a lot more ball than the Crunch. I would like to hear your reasons why.  They both have the same covers, similar RGs, similar diffs.  Even Track lists them with similar hook, length, backend and friction ratings (both the same when polished) which is what I've observed.  The Crunch is listed suited for medium with carrydown and the Havoc medium to light oil.  Thus it doesn't make sense why you guys are saying the Havoc is so much stronger than the Crunch unless it's just the difference in drillings (i.e 5x3 vs 4x2.75).  I could understand if one had a lot more flare potential and a significantly lower RG than the other.  Maybe it's different surfaces and oil types (not much oil around these parts)?  I'm trying to get a reference for future reviews when deciding how to layout balls.  This is the first time I've noticed a drastic difference in my observations compared to others.


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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2004, 01:16:40 PM »
my input on difference....

could the core be the big difference maker??

If everything else is about the same?????
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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2004, 01:22:43 PM »
I think Dynothane shows this example perfectly. Same cover, almost IDENTICAL stats for the elment and the Anomaly, the two are completely different balls. Phil says its the core and cover match up better. so maybe thats it here, the numbers are a bit misleading

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2004, 01:34:19 PM »

I really do not care what the numbers say, I have thrown each, the Havoc drilled leverage, the Crunch drill with the pin 4inches from my PAP. Those 2 drillings should not be that much different, but it seems to be so with these 2 balls.

The Havoc is much earlier reacting, and definately flares more than the Crunch. I get more flare out of the Havoc than I did out of the Dyno Thane Anomaly! This ball hooks....alot. In reality (and the drillings were different), but I get more hook out of this ball than I did out of either of Track Freaks I owned.
Carl Hurd

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2004, 02:18:07 PM »

So one was 3 3/8 from the axis and the other 4.  What about pin up vs down, extra holes, MB placements and surfaces (Crunch comes 1200, Havoc 1500).  Of course a 3 3/8 ball will flare more than a 4.  Your also maxing out an asymmetrical core which tends to amp up the flare also when you get closer to that sweet spot.   You seem to play with balls with a lot more surface.  Have you actually thrown both with the same pin to PAP distances and surfaces prepared identically?  Have you thrown both polished?  I'm truly trying to understand why you see such a difference.  I wish I had a place to try them with some surface.  Maybe I'm missing something, but it's been my experience that the balls cover is the primary factor in reaction and when two balls with the same cover and similar specs are given identical drillings, the difference in reaction is minimal.  

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2004, 02:31:44 PM »
3 3/8 is going to flare more than a 4, but the difference is not going to be drastic. I did not try both polished, I did try the Crunch polished though, and it was not bad.

I think the difference is in the core. Assymetrical vs symetrical. Anthony said it himself "You maxed out an assymetical core which tends to amp up the flare also when you get close to that sweet spot". I placed the MB on the Havoc between the thumb and my VAL. The pin on the Havoc is at finger level, and the pin on the Crunch was maybe 1/4 of an inch higher.  The Crunch is a much smoother ball. I think the Havoc has a much better impact at the pins. This is not to overlook the Crunch, because I feel it is probably the most overlooked ball of 2003. As I previously stated, I don't care what the numbers say----these 2 balls are not close. Numbers are one thing, performance on the lanes are another. Numbers are a good starting point, but should not be looked into as much as what they actually do on the lanes.

Both balls move. The Havoc will handle more oil than the Crunch. I could use the Crunch on  lighter patterns, no way, with the box surface could I think about using the Havoc on lighter patterns.
Carl Hurd

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2004, 02:58:47 PM »
Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one .  But is it really fair to compare a maxed out asymmetrical ball (both pin and MB are in the Strongest position possible) to a symetrical ball drilled weaker?  The Havoc is a stronger ball than the Crunch, I just don't think the difference is that great.  I think where the difference is in how strong the Havoc can turn the corner when drilled strong and how versatile the MB placement is.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Havoc vs Crunch
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2004, 12:51:53 AM »

In reality, what I expected out of the Havoc was a close reaction to the Crunch. I did not expect the Havoc to be as strong as it is. I probably is not a fair comparison because of core difference and drill difference, but I am not the one that asked for the comparison.

We can agree to disagree, that is a fair statement. But, just remember, if you have the same surface on each (1200 clean n sheen), then that could very well make them much closer.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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