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Author Topic: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?  (Read 1364 times)

Ric Clint

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Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« on: March 07, 2004, 09:40:08 AM »
Wasn't this a pearl ball? What was in the coverstock that made it die after just a few games as if it was a particle ball?

I've heard several people say that it died out quick. Was it the MICA additive that maybe made it die out? If so, wouldn't all the other MICA balls die out?

And was the blue colored Heat 2 solid like it's pearl counterpart... as in, did it die out like the pearl did? Did it have that same additive too, or was that just in the pearl?




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Re: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2004, 01:24:49 AM »
As well as answering this, maybe someone can post how to keep it 'alive' never know when someone will need that advice(like anyone lucky enough to hunt down a 'good' one)
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Ric Clint

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2004, 01:46:58 AM »
The part that made it die...

Reactive Resin.....

Just keep it clean (religiously) and your balls wont' die NEARLY as fast.

Reactive Resin made it die??? I thought that Reactive's didn't never die... or at least not as fast as Particle's do.



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Re: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2004, 03:26:17 AM »
I believe (no proof) that the Heat 2 Pearl had HoloFlex in it like the Cuda 2000 and the Reaction Ricochet did. The combo of HoloFlex and Mica (the pearlization componnent) may have been what prevented the Heat 2 Pearl from being able to be re-surfaced properly. This is only a guess. Sveral of use here have had exactly the same experience with the H2P. there is at least one person here who also has had his H2P last 500 games or more. Several local people and a few ballreviews people have also had good experience with their Cuda 2000s lasting a long time also. I suspect they may have only polished their balls and never taken sandpaper to them. Sandpaper may be what destroyed the Holoflex. This is all just a guess because Columbia/Track technicians have never commented on this material, HoloFlex, but they have also never but it in another ball, as far as I know.

Oddly, my Heat 2 solid, which is also supposed to have Track's Holoflex equivalent, called "Pegaxis Pro", has been sanded, polished, sanded and polished and has reacted very well to all surface changes with no loss in hitting power. This coverstock, Pegaxis Pro, was also never again used in any Track ball.

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2004, 11:51:24 AM »
The Holoflex/Pegaxis Pro coverstocks only had particles in the top layer of the ball and not throughout the coverstock like most other particle balls.  So if you did a deep enough resurfacing you'd resurface out all of the particles in the top layer of the coverstock which played a big part in those series of ball's hook potential.
-DJ Marshall
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Re: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2004, 01:18:46 PM »
Then that top layer cannot have been very deep. My H2P lost several boards of hook the first time I had it resurfaced.





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Re: Heat 2 Pearl... what was in the cover that made it DIE?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2004, 01:36:39 PM »
The Holoflex/Pegaxis Pro coverstocks only had particles in the top layer of the ball and not throughout the coverstock like most other particle balls.  So if you did a deep enough resurfacing you'd resurface out all of the particles in the top layer of the coverstock which played a big part in those series of ball's hook potential.
-DJ Marshall
"Repetition beats luck everytime"

Thank you, Mr. Marshall. I think that's a secret most of us did not know, nor even suspect. Can't tell you how annoyed I was at Track when that ball died and was completely unable to be resurrected. I tried everything ... twice. Now I know why.
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