Interesting story.
Was at a local friendly oiled AMF center.
Nice high averages across the board 800s every week.
A guy was throwing in front of me. Moderate speed medium low revs covering about 7 boards shoots about 180. I thought that looked pretty good for him.
Nice guy asked me where I bowled. Told him. Local tricky pattern house EXTREME wet dry!
He says...I know where you mean. I couldn't average even 180 there(I thought...very believable). (SHot is also tougher on left).
He says..."UNTIL I got my arsenal aggressive". After that I averaged about 220 the last 12 weeks of the season. (ME ...."WHA?
"Yup he said...I had two 750+s and a couple of other 700s."
Now I had pegged this guy as a 700 every 2 to 3 seasons.
Amazin...what a matchup can do.
I have not seen anyone else use it there!
In his home house they have about an 800 every week from one of these.
A bad week...a 790!
PS their pattern about 38 foot before league top hat with beautiful buffing and blending.
PPS our pattern. Oiled to 40 feet at 5:00 am at 5:00 pm a quick 16 foot short run put out! Tons of midlane no buffing. Extreme wet dry to side and remnants at back!
Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year! Don't bowl me the second two games though! (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)