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Author Topic: HEAT info sheet  (Read 4809 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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HEAT info sheet
« on: March 18, 2005, 05:03:03 AM »
Here is what the product sheet I recieved today says:

Hook Rating (DULL/POLISHED): 26-21
LENGTH(1-10) : 8
BACKEND(1-10) : 7
Core Technology: Tri-core
Core power rating(1-10) : 7
RG: 2.56
Diff: .037
Flare Potential: 5
Coverstock: Power Plus with mica
Color: Burgandy
Friction Rating: 6
Factory Finish: Compound
Recommeded Polish: Magic Shine
Reaction Shape: Arc
Lane conditions: medium-light

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2005, 05:31:21 PM »
heat is now on the website. cant wait to throw it this weekend.


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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2005, 06:22:54 PM »
Carl, Rick, Clint, Anthony,

Given what you folks have said about the Heat, I'm still interested in

1) whether it's a solid/pearl combo or what?


2) how it compares to the Crash, with which I did not have any luck although others have had (luck).
(Other notes -
- Practiced with my CT again today; it's been redrilled twice (2 sets of plugged holes and my own drilling) still is a freight train in steroids! How can I buy ANOTHER BALL?
- got an undrilled FAZ waiting in the wings, but no condition on which to use it.
- still waiting to get my hands on a Rule.)

Edited on 3/23/2005 9:01 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2005, 06:35:57 PM »
I believe it is a solid resin with mica...thus the reason it looks like a pearl. Please correct me if I am wrong though!

I do not have a Crash anymore....can't compare them side to side.

Better get your hands on a Rule soon if you want NIB....they are probably being discontinued and will not be in next years catalog.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2005, 09:06:09 PM »

It is solid reactive with mica. To compare it to the Crash....the Crash was a little sooner and stronger on the backend. They both level the pins though. I liked the Crash, but I like the Heat much more because it seems to be a bit more consistant than the Crash was.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2005, 09:09:05 PM »
charlest:  I don't know if it's solid or a combo like the CT but for me it's a better matchup than the Crash.  Just never found the matchup.  The Crash was so tempermental to oil downlane and it was so skid/flippy that I had a hard time controlling it.  Since I liked the CT so much, I never really messed with the surface (like hitting it with 800 grit and then polish) or other layouts to smoothen it out.  

The Heat is a different ball.  It's not as squirty in the oil so I can use it on a little heavier mediums than what it's intended for (still not a heavy oil ball).  It's earlier and smoother than the Crash. It reads really well for a "pearlish" ball. It reminds me of the CT with it's hitting power (pins look like balsa wood when hit) but for me it's not quite as strong off the dry.  I really think this ball will be a hit.  For nostalgic purposes and for those like myself who never got a chance to throw the original.  Maybe DP3 will chime in with what he saw tonight with it as he and few of my other friends threw it tonight in a Track demo day
Anthony Chapman
Track International Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff

Edited on 3/23/2005 10:57 PM


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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2005, 11:37:46 PM »
The old Heat for me was an awesome ball back when I was 15-16.  It was a ball I could line up quick to any pattern and lane surface and have it stay predictable for 5 or 6 games straight before I had to put it up.  It got down the lane so easily and never squirted when it turned the corner.  Back then I think I was primarily throwing a Heat, Stomp(Red), K.O Punch, and Piranha.  The Heat was my benchmark then and from watching Tony throw it tonight(I only threw it two shots with my two handed release, due to Tony's bearclaw of a hand) and it still looks like the same ball of old even in today's oils and environment.  It could definately be the benchmark ball in the track line for those with Slower speeds and whose revrates overpower their speed.  

With my two handed release I would venture to say my speed is around 18.5-19mph with a revrate around the low 500rpms.  Tony's drill seemed to check really hard out of the dry boards on the two balls I threw it, but even then I could predict the movement of the ball.  After sending one of the most ridiculously herculean-strength messengers I've ever seen in my life on the second shot I put the ball down, it scared me how hard it hit the pins and how fast the headpin came across the deck to take out the tenpin on what seemed to be a flat-hit.

I definately can't wait to drill one up, I might even trade my beloved Classic Zone for one


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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2005, 03:54:57 AM »
Thanks for the comments, Carl, Anthony, Clint, & DP3.

Anthony, I thought the Crash was far too squirrelly also. I love your "balsa wood" analogy!

I can't tell you how many good balls I've tried recently for mediums to medium-light oil and no matter how good they look and hit I still come back to the control and hitting power of the CT.

I am thinking the Heat would be a nice step down from my CT, but since my CT is already drilled so mildly, pin over center of bridge and CG in grip center, how much more mildly can I drill a Heat to insure it's a definite step down AND without killing it altogether? (FYI That's a serious question, not a rhetorical one.)

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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2005, 05:08:24 AM »
I drilled my Heat for Nats, going next week.  I liked the reaction of my Arsenal Aggressive so much that I drilled the Heat the same way 1.5x1, pin 3.5 above mid.  This is a very nice hook/set layout for the shots that have jumpy backends.  I'll be practicing this week some so I'll be able to give some feedback as well.  Will let you guys know soon....

Rick -
What is a hook-set ball movement??  I'm envisioning my roll from the urethane days -- my ball would go down the lane, start to hook then roll-out into the pocket.  Is that the type of motion you mean, just without the rolling out??

Edited on 3/24/2005 6:03 AM


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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2005, 09:37:26 AM »

You sure that wasn't my messenger you saw coming across  Admit it...I'm making you guys cross over from the Dark Side with the Agressive and Heat.  Feel the force Luke....


how much more mildly can I drill a Heat to insure it's a definite step down AND without killing it altogether

That's a very good question. The only thing I can suggest is something I've done in the past when already having a weak drilling and want a weaker (but still strong) compliment.  I plan on doing it again once I get my 2nd Heat and that's going about 1/2" to 3/4" weaker with the pin (for me that's about 6" from the PAP) but going with a flare increasing hole.  I favor the "rev leverage" hole because it gets it to startup a little earlier than going just past the axis.  This produced a ball that was cleaner and longer than the original, but still enough kick and flare downlane.   I did this with 2 Hexs, CTs and Slashs.  The original was about 2-4 boards stronger depending on the friction dowlane.

Hope that helps!
Anthony Chapman
Track International Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff


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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2005, 03:19:17 PM »
Sorry for the delay, been sick as heck and double dosing on Nyquil so I'm actually sleeping at nite.

Rick -
What is a hook-set ball movement?? I'm envisioning my roll from the urethane days -- my ball would go down the lane, start to hook then roll-out into the pocket. Is that the type of motion you mean, just without the rolling out??

Yes, that is exactly what I get from this layout on this block.  I've drilled many to the old label axis drills and even some to where I place the pin and cg past pap, huge weight hole thru cg (old stable Hammer drill).  I got to practice a little more and this goes very long for me.  On the same condition as my Arsenal Aggressive review (34 buffed to 42), it forced me dead right to the dry area and I could go down in with good success.  My Friday nite shot is very tough, we have tons of carry down and multiple pins slide (out of range) around the deck all the time so that tells you how far the oil has pushed or that they don't clean the backends consistently.  

Charlest, this may not be a bad idea for you based on our conversations of the conditions you tend to encounter.  It really offers a lot of control and a very gradual movement towards the pins on the backend.  I think you have more turn and finish then I do, so this would a good combo as I feel I could've drilled this just a tad stronger for myself.  I anticipated the Heat to be a little jumpier on the backend which it definitely isn't.  I may get a second one to drill stronger, very nice control from resin.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: HEAT info sheet
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2005, 04:10:16 PM »
Thank you, Anthony (& Rick).

That certainly is an interesting idea. I might need a 5" pin-CG ball to place the CG far enough into the thumb positive quadrant to  allow a rev-leverage hole. ... Yup, just measured a ball: will need 4.5-5" pin. But I like the concept.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."