I got an e-mail on Monday night from the PBA about a regional tour stop in Columbia, SC (100 mile from the house) with a kids clinic with the pro's on Friday afternoon. All I had to do was metion it to my two boy's and they were all over it. We decided to take off a half a day on Friday and drive up with the boys. We get to the bowling alley to find that there is only 8 other kids for the clinic, so they would get some great one on one. The instructor were none other than Richie Allen and Ken Simard - they were great with the kids. It is funny but me and the wife have been telling our son's how to correct their bowling but it never seems to sink in. The Pro's were telling them to same things that we have be saying but they seem to take it to heart. The clinic lasted for almost 2 hours, so they bowl a few games with the pro's watching. After the clinic they got a hat and tee shirt for attending, which was great. They spent the next 1 1/2 getting the pro's signitures on them as they pratice for the tounament for the next day. The boy's begged us to bowl in the pro-am, so we broke down and signed up. We got our lane assignment and was seated there waiting for the pro's to come out. They introduced the Pro's and low and behold who do we get to start off with Tommy Jones. The boys went nuts, but to make it even better Patrick Allen came out to our lanes (he wasn't scheduled to bowl)and helped out the kids with their bowling. I had a great conversation with both of them. After the first game, we got Richie Allen for the second game and John May for the third. They were great to talk to and explained life of a pro on the road to my sons. Me and the wife are fair bowlers but this was a humbiling experience, the pattern was #4 which is the hardest on regional tour. You had a board and half window, right of it and the ball went straight, left of it and you went broklyn. The biggest thing a learned was to be smooth, and not try to throw so hard. I have a better respect for the players on tour. The boys were telling everyone at the bowling alley Saturday morning. I am glad that we went and had a great time.