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Author Topic: What the heck happened?  (Read 849 times)


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What the heck happened?
« on: February 12, 2006, 02:44:20 PM »
So last night I subbed on this relaxed mixed league.  I really wasn't in the mood to bowl but my friend convinced me by telling me there were a bunch of hot girls up there.  I was feeling lazy so I only brought my AR and plastic.  Soon as I get up there I see there were no good looking girls so I wanted to kill my friend.

Anyway this place is known to be one of the easiest tracks around and to make matters better I was the only one using the right side of the lane with the 2 male bowlers bowling lefty and the 4 females bowling and the other guy being conventional.  So needless to say my eyes lit up.  

I came out firing shooting a 279 with my only miss being a little light.  Then in the second game I shoot 268 with two slightly high misses.  Now here comes the third game, I rolling beautiful shots with everyone coming in flush but I couldn't carry for crap.  I left 2 pocket 7-10s(which I never leave) and 3 9 pins and a couple 10s and I shoot a whopping 150!  Basically I wondering what in the world happened?  I always carry with that ball.  I wouldn't think it would burn up with me being the only one using that side.  Do you think it just might been one of those games or should I kick myself for not bring a couple more balls?
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: What the heck happened?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 11:00:30 PM »
Could have been that maybe you got a bit "lazy" with your release since it seemed so easy. It also could have been that maybe you were thinking about 800 too much before you got to the end of the 3rd game?
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
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Re: What the heck happened?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 03:12:21 AM »
Judging on your leave, it sounded like it was just "one of those games", where the answer was probably as "simple" as more or less revs, speed, start forward/back of normal on the approach by a hair, loft it a little more/less, more/less axis rotation, or some combination thereof. Unfortunately, there's only a possible 12 first ball opportunities in a game so if you lose your line by a hair, it's sometimes hard to figure out "which hair to pluck". Sounds like you just made the wrong adjustments; nothing more, nothing less, as you were still in the pocket from the sounds of it. You weren't leaving 4's and washouts and stuff like that, and it wasn't like my three stone 9's in a row (like I had in city tournament singles, grrrrr) where it was one consistent miss for which you could adjust.

By my count you ended up with 697. Should have been a seven from the sounds of it, though I'm wondering if you didn't miss some spares you shouldn't have if you only had 2 splits (that you mentioned) and yet ended up with 150.

Then again, one thing to consider that could throw all the rest in the garbage is that there would be carrydown in game 3, which meant that the finish could have been just a tad lighter, maybe even invisible to the naked eye. Except in the pin count. This goes back to physical and line tweaks but maybe if you moved to something that was a little lower on the RG it would have driven through the carrydown a little better.
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Your probably right about the adjustments.  Thats one of my biggest problem knowing when to adjust.  If Im missing the pocket i adjust accordingly but like last night I was hitting it so I just kept saying to myself "its alright the next one will carry"  I never take into account the things that you were saying.  By the way I did miss a gimme spare that game, actually I might have missed 2  I really dont remember,  which is normal for me throughout the night.  I always seem to miss 1 or 2 of those a night.  Which obviously kills me.
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