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Author Topic: Help my old Pro Shop is giving me mixed feelings about track!  (Read 737 times)


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Ok I am the owner of 3 track balls. The Hex-Tream drilled odd cause I used to spin the ball allot pin on the middle finger basically drilled right on the middle finger with the cg in the middle of the ball. I own a Exception that for the most I am not happy with. When I bought this ball he drilled it close to the Hex cause he said I had not improved much. Well that was a lie so the ball has a 1.5 to a 2 inch pin in it. Drilled it so that the pin was stacked in the palm and the mass bias down and to the left of the thumb. I did track much higher and he saw the improvements but could not get the ball to move much unless I slowed down my speeds. Asked him to change the layout 3 different times at least maybe more before finally I took it to a fast track shop and they pluged it up. Well I am still not so happy with it idk if its cause of the small pin or what. I know that you are limited with smaller pins but this is what I am left with. Oh not to mention that the lanes put 2 nice marks in the ball and I had the same shop repair it. Then when I got it re drilled found the ball was out of round. Now he has taken the ball and sanded it so much that the Track Logo is basically off the ball. He says its alright now but I doute it and I do not trust him worth of you know what. I think its ashamed  I think this ball has so much more then what I have seem out of it and it's a damn shame that someone who claims to be a proshop owner has done to ruin track's good name. Of 3rd ball drilled by the same guy is the gp2 I will try to give you an idea of the lay out. Ball has a nice 5 inch pin not sure about spec's is 16 pounds like all my other equipment. Pin is to the right and alittle below the ring finger but off to the right. CG is kicked out on my pap, mass bias down and to the right of the thumb. Weight hole on the pap. Not happy with this ball do not know if the drilling is too aggressive of what. Seems to just roll out very very soon and hits with nothing. Have since polished and ball held energy better rolled long but idk still not getting much out of it. I do have pictures of my Exception and my Storm triple X right now the Triple X is my best ball. Ball is not drilled by him is 16 pounds ping is above the ring finger cg is on my center line mass bias is right next to the thumb with a weight hole on my center line do not quote me on this just trying to give an idea will post pictures asap. The triple X rev's much better higher then the gp2 and will allow me to play anywhere from 15 to 8 to 25 to like 7 or 6 and have just the right amount to come back. My loyalty is to track i will never loose faith in track but have very mixed feelings about them now.. I bowled my first 300 with track and hoped to keep them forever but idk after this whole ordeal with this pro shop owner I am ready to pack it up and throw in the towel on bowling period!!!


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Help my old Pro Shop is giving me mixed feelings about track!
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2005, 09:40:51 AM »

I understand that you are discouraged. As for your Xception----It is very difficult to say what the problem was on the second layout, but on the first layout-----The Xception is a ball that is meant to be drilled with the MB in a position to move on the backend, the first layout was basically a control kind of layout. Unless you are a total cranker that layout is not going to be advantageous on the Xception.

Without knowing your PAP location it is very difficult to say why the GP2 is not working for you. I will take a "guess"....odds are that you have improved some and are not spinning the ball as much, but your PAP may be too close to the pin.<<<another reason the triple X is reving better is probably the high pin placement in relation to your PAP>>>. This will make the ball roll very early and not have much backend. With this type of layout the GP2 is going to be meant for strictly heavy oil because if it encounters dry too quickly it is going to react the way that you are describing.

I would suggest checking with myself or another staffer on here before you drill up a ball. You will need to know some information to tell us though, such as your PAP, axis tilt, approximate speed, and the lane condition you are throwing on. Get together with a pro shop operator and he/she will help you learn this info. Educating yourself on your game can only help you in the long run.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: Help my old Pro Shop is giving me mixed feelings about track!
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2005, 10:00:12 AM »
Ex said about everything I wanted to say!

Just ask, any of us will help you!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Help my old Pro Shop is giving me mixed feelings about track!
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2005, 12:25:03 AM »
Ok finally I got everything mapped out and talked to my coach. I am a high speed player not def sure but its in the mid 17's to mid 18's. Higher rev rate if I do not chicken wing it or try to push the ball out to the mark. The triple X shown is the only ball I can trust right now. It revs nicely and it hits like a ton. I have almost all forward roll on every one of my balls. Pap on the rule is about maybe 6 inches from the pin it is right above the weight hole.Pap on the rule is closer to the cg then the pin. The pap on the triple x is about 4 to 5 inches from the cg. I hope that I have given everyone good info as to my game and I am hoping something can be done with all this amazing equipment if not looks like I am going to be selling off some high end track equipment at a low price. I have given up on the Exception because the ball is so out of round. I came to find out that when a repair was done by that same pro shop owner he sanded it by hand and made it flat right over my track. So I brought it up to him and he just sanded it more so much that the Flaming T logo well half of it's missing and the ball is even more out of round. Thanks for all the help and I sure hope i can get all this taken care of before county tournament in 2 weeks...  Here is the link

Edited on 4/16/2005 0:44 AM