I understand that you are discouraged. As for your Xception----It is very difficult to say what the problem was on the second layout, but on the first layout-----The Xception is a ball that is meant to be drilled with the MB in a position to move on the backend, the first layout was basically a control kind of layout. Unless you are a total cranker that layout is not going to be advantageous on the Xception.
Without knowing your PAP location it is very difficult to say why the GP2 is not working for you. I will take a "guess"....odds are that you have improved some and are not spinning the ball as much, but your PAP may be too close to the pin.<<<another reason the triple X is reving better is probably the high pin placement in relation to your PAP>>>. This will make the ball roll very early and not have much backend. With this type of layout the GP2 is going to be meant for strictly heavy oil because if it encounters dry too quickly it is going to react the way that you are describing.
I would suggest checking with myself or another staffer on here before you drill up a ball. You will need to know some information to tell us though, such as your PAP, axis tilt, approximate speed, and the lane condition you are throwing on. Get together with a pro shop operator and he/she will help you learn this info. Educating yourself on your game can only help you in the long run.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff