I can't speak for the Artillery but I can tell you that the Machine is a great compliment to the Robo.
Here is what I have found with my limited experience with the 2 of them.
AMF HPL synthetics, fresh 40' with 70ish units 8-8 @ 10'
The 2 looked suprisingly similar on the fresh with the Robo being a bit earlier and smoother.
Same pattern only after 3 games of league with most players playing the track area. The Machine still worked very well I moved 5 boards left with my feet and targeted the same break point the ball had no trouble pushing through the track area and getting out to 5. I tried playing this same line with the Robo and it would check up when it got to the track area. Tried moving a bit deeper and then it wouldn't make the corner for me which was no surprise cause I was already at the limit of my comfort zone. To get the Robo to work with any consistency on the leftover shot I had suitcase the ball a bit and play a tighter line where there was enough carry-down to give me a bit more push. Tried the Machine going through the heavier carry-down and it was a bit squirty.
Roughly the same pattern only on wood the Robo is unusable for me even on fresh but the Machine is great for first game and a half or so. Actually went front 8 before leaving a stone 9. I didn't think I would be able to use the Machine on the wood shot due to the strength it showed on the synthetic shot which plays much slicker. I think this is a great testament to how versatile the ball is.
You can't go wrong with either, I prefer asymmetricals though cause I feel that I can more control over how the ball will react through drilling, especially when the MB rating is as strong as the Machine's core.
Hope this helps.
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