Clean n Dull best deep cleaner on the market IMHO.
Clean n Sheen this is my general use polish/compound, I find that you can get a much higher grit than advertised though.
Clean n Smooth works better for getting that factory smooth finish than any other abrasive. It is my default surface for partical balls because it won't break down the particals in the cover.
Magic Shine due to this being a non abrasive polish so I use it when I want to keep the base surface intact whether it be 600 or 4000. I find that it is has more affect on angularity than length which makes it very useful.
Delayed Reaction this is my only defense against short patterns, fried lanes, and over reacting backends due to my slow ball speed with medium revs.
Power Wash is my general cleaner that I keep in the bag. I give my micro fiber towel a few of squirt ever 1/2 game to keep it moist for wiping the ball between shots. This along with a good cleaning of each ball after use does cause me to go through quite a bit of it.
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