Excalibur and Tenpinspro are almost as amazed as I am about who physically handled my Rule layout & drilling last Friday. I had layout recommendations from both Carl & Rick but I did not know my PAP measurements. My local ball driller did not know my PAP or anyone else's for that matter so I decided to ride up the road (35 miles) to Bowling Solutions at Strikers BC in Rock Hill, SC. I called first and was told that by chance a Track rep would be there. Well, that sounded good but I didn't know just how good! Praise the Lord, it was like an answer to a prayer! The Track rep was Chuck Gardner who according to Tenpinspro is Del's right hand man. Chuck said he helped design the Rule so he knew a little bit about the ball! LOL! Now I ask you, what are the odds that I would just stumble onto Chuck handling me personally?!! Chuck took me out on the lanes and determined my PAP from an existing ball. (I proceeded to throw 2 strikes with my Vendetta Black....LOL!) So Chuck lays out the Rule almost exactly as Rick & Carl first suggested. 4.25 x 4.25. Chuck was very helpful and he knows his stuff! Just ask him - he will tell you so! Yes, he has a big ego but that's expected! Rick & Carl - I do have something funny you can rib Chuck about though. I use Vise silicone grips (Chuck does not like silicone at all by the way). Chuck glued my ring finger grip in but I forgot to tell him that you need extra glue to hold silicone versus regular grips. Anyway, I was trying my Rule out during league last night and at the end of game 1 the grip comes out and is on the end of my finger after I release the ball! The grip shims I had put in are lying on the lane bed and the Rule goes down the lane for a strike! So the 'RULE' is....don't let Chuck glue any silicone grips for you unless you like to entertain your league mates! More on results with the Rule later! It was much drier than usual last night so I only used it sparingly. Special thanks to Rick and Carl for all of your help! You guys are tremendous! Top notch!
Rod A.