I want to know what everyone else thinks about this. In my experience in the last few years, I have noticed bowlers who track high (like myself) have a much harder time getting the ball through the heads when they start to go away. Our end over end roll obviously tends to make the ball get into an earlier roll, thus exposing us more to changing head conditions than someone who has a lower track and the ball is spinning more in the heads.
Granted, cover is the most important variable, but I have found something interesting in reviewing my equipment I have used over the last 5 years. Right now, I have 3 GP2s, which has a high RG, 2.57 to be exact, with different cover preps and one with an aggressive drill. The HexPlosion I am carrying with me to my tournaments this month has a high RG as well, 2.56. When Del was at AMF, I found myself carrying the Nighthawk Revenge and Ti-Hawk, both of which have high RGs as well. I have noticed I do not move as quick with the GP2s and HexPlosion than I do with other equipment that is drilled identical, with the only differences being the different covers and the different core dynamics (RG and Diff), and I had similar results with the other equipment mentioned above. In fact, I had my first sanctioned 300 with a Ti-Hawk and my first, and only, sanctioned 800 was 813 in February with one of my three GP2s. I also notice the little extra backend I get from the GP2 compared to my Phenom, Animal, Rule, or any ball from any company you want to put in the blank (Track only for me) helps me carry an extra 10 here and there, from what I believe is the ball getting down the lane a little better due to its higher RG and having just a little more pop than a lower RG ball that is spending its energy earlier in the lane.
I realize some may say on heavier oil, you want a lower RG ball to help get the ball rolling. However, if the cover is aggressive enough (GP2), and cover prep does mean more than anything else, do you think the cover would be ok for the condition, even though the RG is higher. My answer is yes, due to all of the success I have seen with the GP2 on heavier conditions for myself and others as well.
What is your opinion?
Any and all WELCOME!
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460