I know there were a few posts concerning the differences between the Slash and Crunch Time since one is a pearl/solid combo and the other solid. Although I don't have a CT to directly compare the Slash to since switching to 15lbs, I have thrown quite a few CTs.
In terms of surface prep, I hit the box Slash with Clean 'N Sheen and then Magic Shine. This surface is slightly more agressive than the box surface of the CT. There probably will be times it will be tough to see much difference between the two, but where I notice the difference is on fresher conditions and as they break down. The Slash starts up a little sooner and is stronger overall. It doesn't make as strong a move as the CT although it is still very strong. I think the Slash is better suited for a little heavier, fresher conditions than the CT but as they break down and you need a little more recovery, the CT is better.
I'm getting more downlane and a little more reaction overall from the Slash than my FAZ. The Slash has excellent midlane read and recovery. I never threw a Triton Elite but I can see why that ball was so popular. The Slash hits extremely well and responds very well to hand changes.
P.S. The Slash was drilled with the pin 5" from the PAP, below the fingers 1.5" above the midline with the CG also 5". No XH.
Anthony Chapman
Edited on 10/28/2004 9:59 AM
Edited on 10/28/2004 9:59 AM