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Author Topic: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?  (Read 3988 times)


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How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« on: September 25, 2012, 02:48:44 PM »
How does this ball compare with the Mission X and the Pursuit-S?

Thanks for the help.



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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 05:18:33 PM »
The Pursuit-S is a symmetrical, its not going to be as strong as the two asymms you mentioned. The Mission X is, i believe going to be a bit longer and stronger on the back than the 912T. I would have to double check the numbers. Why the comparison?
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 05:40:40 PM »
The Pursuit-S is a symmetrical, its not going to be as strong as the two asymms you mentioned. The Mission X is, i believe going to be a bit longer and stronger on the back than the 912T. I would have to double check the numbers. Why the comparison?

The house I'm bowling is beginning to flood the lanes and I need a ball that will handle this type condition.  I have the Mission X now( at 2000 Abralon) and it's just not quite strong enough.  I mentioned it because I think I need something stronger.  I am going to try the X at 800 or 1000 to see if it makes a difference, but if not, I will be looking for a new ball and have read some good things about the 912T being very good in oil, although I have not seen one in action.  Thanks for the reply.


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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 07:52:32 PM »
No problem, i would definitely try the X at a lower grit surface as you're dealing with one of the strongest Ebo has to offer. If not then design a layout for what you are seeing and match the ball to that. If you need earlier reaction then yes 912T will be the answer.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2012, 07:57:40 PM »
These balls are not comparable, the 912T is a lot more ball than the Mission X and Pursuit S. The ball you would probably compare them to is the 811SE. The 912T will be stronger than the other two over each part of the lane. If you want an oiler that doesn't quit then get the 912T, best of all, it doesn't change it's shape with surface modifications you just get more or less hook overall. If this is not what you are looking for than I would suggest you look elsewhere.

Walking E

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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 08:11:57 PM »
Do you have a lot of games on the Mission X? My original Mission was such a sponge that it rolled like a urethane ball after 15-20 games. I gave it a hot bath, hit it with Adrenaline Wipes and changed the surface, but it still straightened out after 10 more games. Your X could just be oil-logged and need one or more of the treatments I described, but be prepared to keep doing this on a regular basis.


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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 11:44:13 PM »
These balls are not comparable, the 912T is a lot more ball than the Mission X and Pursuit S. The ball you would probably compare them to is the 811SE. The 912T will be stronger than the other two over each part of the lane. If you want an oiler that doesn't quit then get the 912T, best of all, it doesn't change it's shape with surface modifications you just get more or less hook overall. If this is not what you are looking for than I would suggest you look elsewhere.

Are they really? I didnt figure they were since the core numbers slightly favor the Mission X and the 912T was only about 2 boards stronger than what I've seen from a staffer throwing the 716T. The cover must be that much stronger.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 12:59:48 PM »
I've thrown each of them and personally the 912T is a much stronger than both the 716T and the Mission X. However, you description is correct, I would put the Mission X on the same footing as the 716T. Personally, I prefer the shape of the 912T as it gives me a roided out version of the 505T/503T.


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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2012, 04:33:51 PM »
Cool. I like the shape of the 716T and was thinking of getting one for my tournament bag. Just wasnt sure. Watched the track vid and there wasnt much separation so i was bit confused. Good to know though.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2012, 04:35:40 PM »
The 912T will be much stronger on the BACK part of the lane.  Mission X will be much earlier and smoother.  Same with the 716T.  How I've explained it to customers is that the 912T and 716T hook just about the same but different parts of the lane.  When you say "hook" you need to make sure you're clear were you're wanting to the ball to hook.  :D
Dave Roberts
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Re: How does the 912T compare with the Mission X and Pursuit-S?
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2012, 05:22:27 PM »
Good explaination Dave. I was wondering how they lowered the inter diff and the ball is so much stronger than the 716T.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member