Clint is correct - we are directing all calls to Ebonites Customer Service. This includes staffers with questions about orders as well as PBA member about balls. I have not had anyone get back to me as of yet so I do not know if anyone has tried, if they have - I dont know what they are being told.
Some people from Ebonite are going to be in San Antonio facility later this week - I would expect more answers in the coming days.
All that I would ask is for everyone to please be patient. There are many, many questions that we cannot answer and I am pretty sure this is fairly new to Ebonite's team as well. I am pretty sure they don't have the answers yet either. So please be understanding when Ebonite or myself tell you that we don't know - we're being honest and upfront. I want nothing best for these brands moving forward. We have poured a ton of hard work into the brands these past several months and I want nothing but the best for them moving forward.
Mike Judy
Track Central Region Sales Manager