I do indeed have shorter arms and legs. I am 5'7" tall. When working with Chuck Gardner at the clinic he asked me to wait until my second step to move the ball. It does feel strange at first, but only for the first shot. I am pretty versatile in what I can do in my approach.
You bring up an interesting point about the position of the swing relative to my feet. I had never connected that with a non-muscled swing. I have been bowling for about 25 years and I believe, until 1-2 years ago, I had a muscled swing. I am now well on my way to breaking the long time habit and I want to be sure that I continue down that path.
I am not quite sure how to let gravity take control, to make it a free swing, when it is my arm which must physically unfold to start the ball in motion. This seems to lead me to pull the ball back, rather than letting it swing freely.
Right now, I am experimenting with sort of a hybrid beginning to my approach. The pushaway starts with my first step, but is more of a circle shaped pushaway. It is not an extended pushaway, which then drops at a square angle. I would welcome any comments you may have on any of this, as well as suggestions about things to experiment with.