Chad you sparked something alright. Im sorry but what he said was pretty freakin hilarious. Im actually finding ALL kinds of laughter out of this. I got what you meant, but it was kind of taken the wrong way and then definitly got out of hand.
Whats really funny is these poeple are defending & yelling like they actually SPENT money on something here !
All I did was question a small wording of a phrase in the Email and these "Track Loyalists" start flaming worse then in the Lane #1 forum !

Its to bad people's tensions are this high anymore ;(
...but oh well, I got a good laugh outta this and I'm sure a alot of other poeple did as well

I could very easily just delete this thread and thats that, but I think its great we got a few "after the fact, you missed the point" posters coming in to throw their flames as well !
Here some fuel for the fire:
Track sucks !
Flame on...
Nothing but Dyno-Thane
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...