Copied and pasted this from the other post of yours....Definitions are from the faqs...
I'm not one to make suggestions, and most of those guys are probably in bed so I'll go ahead and post what I think they might ask of you before they make a recommendation.
1. What reaction are you looking for out of the ball?
Definition: I'm not defining this....
2. Where does your ball track?
Full Roller: Goes between
High-roller/High-tracker: Within a half inch or sometimes hits the thumb
Semi-roller: .5 to 3 inches
Low-roller/low-tracker: 3 to 5 inches
High-spinner: 5 to 7 inches
Low-spinner: more than 7 inches
3. They mostly want to ask... What is your PAP?
The axis of the ball during the first few revolutions that is created totally by the bowler's release style. The point on the ball that is equidistant from all points of the release ball track.
Ways to find it:
Least accurate: Draw a perpendicular (90°) line 6.75" from your track through grip center the end of the line will be close to your PAP.
Very accurate: Use an Armadillo Axis point locator tool. Place the Armadillo on your track using the line that most closely represents your track arc and mark the spot indicated by the Armadillo.
Exact: Roll low flare (spare) ball down the center of the lane where the highest concentration of oil is then using a grease pencil trace your track. Place the ball in a spinner with the track down and orient the ball to where when it it spinning the trace line doesn't wobble up and down. Then take the pencil and place it on the top of the ball and move it around until it goes from making a circle to a defined dot, or use a quarter scale/pro sect tool and draw a line connecting your track at points that are 180° from each other and repeat the step at a point near 90° from the first line where the 2 lines intersect is your PAP. If you do not have a low flare ball you can use any ball as long as you use the track that is closest to your thumb and farthest from your fingers. This is the release track, because as a ball flares the track migrates away from the thumb and towards the fingers.
If anyone would like reasons for why one is more/less accurate than the other I would be happy to explain.
I'm probably missing something but that will get you started.
Currently using Track, Storm, and Columbia 300