Well I have an idea for you! 5x135* pin high! The pin is 4 inches above midline (forward roll at the break) with the pin being 5" over it will give you length to about 35' and start its transition to forward roll (backends takeing over) The 135* weight block angle will give you limited flare through the front. I have 2 balls laid out like this, vendetta particle pearl, pin above my ring & 4" above my midline, cg in a 135* angle witch ended up slightyl left of my middle finger and above it. i believe it was a 1-1/2-2" pin. This ball is money on light oil and burnt up heads. The next ball is a old messnger Ti cherry, laid out the same way and was the test ball for this layout, This ball made me alot of money the first week I drilled it and was quite suprised at the easy length I got with it on blown open heads and touchy mids. It is about 2 boards weeker than the VPP but still hits very good. Its laid out the same but has a weight hole on the negative side in a 10' oclock position 6" over. I have a high rev rate and semi high track and do not hit the weight hole. The static weights will be something for you to decide on, the messenger has a 1/2 finger and zero side with 1000 abralon and ruff buffed to shiny it is a little bit more sudden when transitioning from skid to roll, The VPP has 0 finger 1/4 negative side (I drilled the ring finger deeper than the ring but both are drilled deep and this changed the shape of the core by makeing it shorter thus the smoother reaction I believe plus the cover wich is at burgundy scotch brite with ruff buff. It is smooth as silk but strong and works really well at the first sign of burning heads or mids. This a nice 1 2 punch on light oil and dry lanes. You also may want to try this on a older ball first and see what you think, I was skepticle at first but I love it now. I say try it and see what you think you may be suprised and it is not as shot specific as you would think, if there are clean back ends it will work good on that also even though there might be medium oil up front, The balls just ignore the front part of the lane regardless of what is out there.
P.S On a side note I did try this on a higher rg ball (roto grip saturn) and didnt like it a whole lot, it had a great move and length was good but just didnt like the lope through the front. I know it might not be a big deal to some people but I just dont preffer lopey stuff through the front.