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Author Topic: Insane!!!!  (Read 5582 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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« on: January 20, 2005, 03:14:50 PM »
NO I am not talking about Rick

I am talking about the Rule GP2!!!!

This is not my mini review.....I do not have enough games on the balls to really post a "review" yet, but I have to offer up a few comments on what I have seen so far.

I drilled up 3 of them tonight and got a chance to throw roughly a game with each of them. One is drilled exactly how my Animal was drilled (leverage pin pin 1 1/4 above midline,  MB on VAL), one was drilled with the pin above the ring finger MB 1/4 of an inch right of thumb, one drilled with the pin below the bridge MB 1 inch left of VAL.

Each of these balls has hook.......but they each do things totally different. The pin above ring finger opens up a lane with ease....the leverage pin rolls so early that this is going to be a tournament ball not much below the bridge will work on most anything, it rolls early but retains a ton of energy for the backends.

The "insane" in the subject headline is aimed at the hook this ball offers. It had the early roll of the Animal, with more backend than the Rule. This ball shocked me with how much it moved. Another thing that stands out so far is how much backend it has for a dull ball...let alone the fact that it is a dull particle.

I will post my mini ASAP. But this thing is moves....and hits really hard. I can easily see how this ball can make people believe that Rick is a cranker.


C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2005, 06:25:42 PM »
Rick forgot to mention this was with my 15lb ball and his 8lb ball.....same thing.....almost ignored human error.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

8lb? dont you mean 6lb?

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2005, 07:08:47 PM »
I threw the GP2 last week, not mine, but it belonged to one of the guys at the bowling center I bowl at. He is on the Track staff. He had noticed that our spans were about the same and he wanted to see what kind of reaction I got with it. The fit was not perfect, but I did throw it for 8 shots. I was very impressed with the reaction and the hit was great. I moved and tried a few different releases and the results on all the shots was a very predictable reaction. I did leave 1 weak ten, but that was on a shot that I lost at the release. Very sweet move on the ball, it never looked liked it was fighting oil. Just kept moving. The hit kept the pins low and clears the deck instantly.
Sorry, I do not usually gush over a ball I have only thrown a few times, but I was extremely impressed with the ball. I would buy one in a heartbeat.

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2005, 07:32:25 PM »
Ok... So basically... The freak was extremely strong on heavy oil, the mutant was stronger, the super freak was stronger still, the phenom was stronger still, the animal was stronger still, and now the gp2 is even stronger? Wow, that must be one hell of a ball, can they make a stronger ball now please?


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2005, 09:38:19 PM »
Wow, that must be one hell of a ball, can they make a stronger ball now please?

It has a hook rating of 42!! ....huh?  If another 'stronger' ball is made, I don know if it would be of much use because it's not very often people come across a river of oil.  

How much more hook and technology can they pack into a ball!??!?  Don't you just feel like you're cheating when you use a ball that hooks twice as much and carries so much better than everyone else's balls?

sammy the sage

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2005, 10:29:58 PM »
agreed...mine...I put the pin right in the ring finger and drilled it out...


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2005, 11:20:40 PM »
Wow, that must be one hell of a ball, can they make a stronger ball now please?

It has a hook rating of 42!! ....huh?  If another 'stronger' ball is made, I don know if it would be of much use because it's not very often people come across a river of oil.  

How much more hook and technology can they pack into a ball!??!?  Don't you just feel like you're cheating when you use a ball that hooks twice as much and carries so much better than everyone else's balls?

I was being a little bit sarcastic icetink. I rarely have a chance to use my phenom, pin over ring mb next to thumb, polished, so I would have no use for a ball that is any stronger.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2005, 12:08:04 AM »
stanski, it is advancing technology and giving most bowlers what they want. Majority of the bowlers that come into my shop want hook....the GP2 is it.

It is really something to see a ball move this much. I cannot imagine a ball hooking more.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2005, 12:15:40 AM »
stanski, it is advancing technology and giving most bowlers what they want. Majority of the bowlers that come into my shop want hook....the GP2 is it.

It is really something to see a ball move this much. I cannot imagine a ball hooking more.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Yep, I understand. The only balls I ever see in my proshop being drilled are animals, throttles, ultimate's, etc. etc. Give the masses what they want!


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2005, 01:02:43 AM »
but the sad fact, is that even though so many bowlers want hook, they dont realize that it can be achieved with a less aggressive ball with the addition of some wrist and fingers and all at a lower price. The other thing to question is how come we dont see these highly active balls being played with on the tour? and the answer is, becuase it is better to be a bowler throwing a ball, that reacts off of you, rather than being a man with an awesome ball. but hey thats just me and i guess im old fashion. thats probly why i have so many titles under my belt.
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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2005, 10:24:29 AM »
First off, your points are well taken, and I do agree for the most part.

However, that is not what the general bowling public wants or demands. When the Tour Power came out a little over 3 years ago, at my distributors trade show, Storm had it billed basically as the next V2, yada, yada , yada. But, when the ball got into the pro shops, nobody wanted it. WHY? It was not a hook monster. The shop I was working in at that time probably sold 5 or 6 total, and 3 were to employees of the pro shop. The ball worked great, but someone coming in off the street who buys one or two balls a year is not going to spend X amount of dollars when for another 20-30 that can have the latest and greatest hooking machine. If Storm was still trying to promote that ball and held up the XFactors, they would be hurting today. Its all about marketing and whos stuff hooks the most. The ball companies, and pro shops too, are out to make a profit, not trying to profit on "what would be best for a small amount of bowlers".

With that said, from being on Track's Advisory staff, I have learned a few things, the most important being that every ball Track comes out with has a purpose and a place in their line. Track tries to fill everything possibly needed for any and every bowler. While some may choose the GP2 over a Freak A Zoid for the sole reason it hooks more, does not make the FAZ a bad ball, or any ball for that matter. Its all about what the customer wants, and right now they want HOOK!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2005, 12:46:30 AM »
Hey, EX --- 26 strikes in a row throwing three different balls on three different lines????....I like women as well as the next guy, but if I did that, I think Ms. Smash9 would be sleeping on the couch, and I'd be in bed with those three balls making sure they didn't get too far away from me.....

(or more probably, I'd be on the couch fast asleep with the three Rule GP2's!!!!!)

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2005, 11:11:03 AM »
(or more probably, I'd be on the couch fast asleep with the three Rule GP2's!!!!!)

Hey Smash, who said he wasn't?..
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2005, 11:23:47 PM »
I am a big guy, remember? I do not have nearly the extra room in my bed as you do bud. are correct. If you are going to keep them in bed with you....make sure you position them correctly because if not they can leave your back really sore.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2005, 05:33:08 AM »
This ball is for beginner bowlers and not advanced bowlers.  I could never use a ball that has that much hook.  I would rather see a control ball.  This ball for would be a waste of money.  Whats next, a ball with a hook rating of 50?  I love a lot of the track balls I've thrown but this ball is stupid.  The amount of hook isn't what makes you a good bowler.  I'm sorry guys but I think track fell down on this ball.  It kinda makes me laugh at what a stupid ball this is.

People want hook.  Also, the GP2 was likely created to complete the "Rev-Lever" line.  Now you have the GP2 for heavy stuff (which can replace the Animal), the Rule for Med/heavy, and the Xception for Medium oil.  

It won't be a waste of money for a person who doesn't have a very good oil-handling ball 'yet'.  I agree that amount of hook doesn't make a good bowler, but often, amount of hook translates to better continuation through the pins which helps with pin carry.  I believe the GP2, Rule, and Xception are a great 1, 2, 3 punch!


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2005, 07:53:59 AM »
This is not a "stupid" ball at all. This ball fits perfectly into what Del and company were trying to accomplish, a 1-2-3 combo that works GREAT with each other and compliments one another. It is a logical procession from one ball to the next. Also, the GP2 can be drilled to create length if wanted (not intended for though) and can polish up VERY easily. The Morpheus cores are very versatile, as they adapt to most drillings very well.

Have you tried a GP2 for yourself yet?

If not, how could you say stupid?

If you have, why do you say this?

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460