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Author Topic: Insane!!!!  (Read 5606 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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« on: January 20, 2005, 03:14:50 PM »
NO I am not talking about Rick

I am talking about the Rule GP2!!!!

This is not my mini review.....I do not have enough games on the balls to really post a "review" yet, but I have to offer up a few comments on what I have seen so far.

I drilled up 3 of them tonight and got a chance to throw roughly a game with each of them. One is drilled exactly how my Animal was drilled (leverage pin pin 1 1/4 above midline,  MB on VAL), one was drilled with the pin above the ring finger MB 1/4 of an inch right of thumb, one drilled with the pin below the bridge MB 1 inch left of VAL.

Each of these balls has hook.......but they each do things totally different. The pin above ring finger opens up a lane with ease....the leverage pin rolls so early that this is going to be a tournament ball not much below the bridge will work on most anything, it rolls early but retains a ton of energy for the backends.

The "insane" in the subject headline is aimed at the hook this ball offers. It had the early roll of the Animal, with more backend than the Rule. This ball shocked me with how much it moved. Another thing that stands out so far is how much backend it has for a dull ball...let alone the fact that it is a dull particle.

I will post my mini ASAP. But this thing is moves....and hits really hard. I can easily see how this ball can make people believe that Rick is a cranker.


C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2005, 08:57:58 AM »
I think one thing should be noted is that having a ball this strong gives everyone options on how to drill the ball, prepare the cover and how to attack the lane.  That's one great thing about the Morpheus core and the covers used by Track.  

Are you a tweener that needs help on heavier patterns? 600 grit GP2 with MB on VAL.

Are you a high rev/hig speed player that wants to just open them up as much as possible? 1000 Grit GP2 with MB in the strong position.

Are you a high rev player that wants the power of the Morpheus core with a little more midlane and control on med patterns?  Polished GP2 with MB in the track.

The GP2, Rule and Xception are 3 high performance assymetrical balls that give all players options on how to attack a variety of lanes when a strong transition at the break is required.  If you want or need more control, then you can choose between the FAZ or Slash.  All of these provide a great diversity in reaction shape and hook potential.

Anthony Chapman
Track International Amateur Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2005, 09:33:43 AM »
He thinks the ball is stupid...leave him be.  

If there are absolute floods or if lane centres decide to lay down a lot of oil on a regular basis, I don't see why a hook rating of 50 would be useless....

For everyone else who LIKES to open up the lane on heavy oil or NEEDS a strong heavy oil ball for any reason, I believe the GP2 would be a great choice!  Everyone has their own opinion and own needs, and as achappy said, the Morpheus cores/balls are very versatile in regards to drilling and coverstock preparation.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2005, 09:09:58 PM »
It is true, the hook on the GP2 is incredible. Owning/running a pro shop, that is always what people want...more hook. Track answered the league bowlers with this ball. These league bowlers want more hook without having to change their game. They do not want to dedicate the time it takes to do that. They want to show up once a week to bowl and have the ball move a ton for them.

TRUST ME when I say that this ball is not just for someone with no hand. The morpheous core is so versatile that it can be drilled to what you want it to. The coverstock can be easily adjusted to get the reaction you want. Bowlers with hand can still use this ball if it is drilled properly for their kind of game. <<<<ask achappy

Another thought...advanced bowlers would be able to handle this ball because they will know what kind of adjustments are going to be needed in order for them to use this ball.

Lastly: The GP2 is for many different style of bowlers, whether a once a week bowler or a tournament bowler. For me...the GP2 is going to be primarily a tournament ball (especially the ones I have drilled aggressively). I do not need this much hook on league shots. There are bowlers that do need the ball to help more though.....AND NO BALL HELPS A BOWLER AS MUCH AS THIS BALL DOES.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2005, 06:43:29 AM »
Couldn't have said it better myself Ex!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Insane!!!!
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2005, 11:34:16 AM »
Hey Chitown,

For your particular case, I can understand what "you" mean but to be a little more open minded that it literally is different strokes for different folks.  For what you're saying about the GP2, it could have been easily said to you about the Animal by someone else with more hand.  

I hit a mini in Vegas a few years ago and I could guarantee you that your Animal would not have made it back from the 5 board.  Not even the true crankers could, you had to be deep in with a ton of revs just to bring it back or have some kind of recovery.

The GP2 is stronger but as achappy states, we can do so much with the covers and layouts that it makes it very versatile.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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