It is true, the hook on the GP2 is incredible. Owning/running a pro shop, that is always what people want...more hook. Track answered the league bowlers with this ball. These league bowlers want more hook without having to change their game. They do not want to dedicate the time it takes to do that. They want to show up once a week to bowl and have the ball move a ton for them.
TRUST ME when I say that this ball is not just for someone with no hand. The morpheous core is so versatile that it can be drilled to what you want it to. The coverstock can be easily adjusted to get the reaction you want. Bowlers with hand can still use this ball if it is drilled properly for their kind of game. <<<<ask achappy

Another thought...advanced bowlers would be able to handle this ball because they will know what kind of adjustments are going to be needed in order for them to use this ball.
Lastly: The GP2 is for many different style of bowlers, whether a once a week bowler or a tournament bowler. For me...the GP2 is going to be primarily a tournament ball (especially the ones I have drilled aggressively). I do not need this much hook on league shots. There are bowlers that do need the ball to help more though.....AND NO BALL HELPS A BOWLER AS MUCH AS THIS BALL DOES.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff