I will!
Thomas Wendt has contacted me... I hope he can pull out a Robo from somewhere

Just to mention: I took my Machine down to ~1000 just by hand (it is not so good honestly... I can see the ball getting shiny after 8 games already again) and the M is doing the job better... not as good as desired but I can play it for high scores if I keep my game straight and not force too much hook on the ball...
on those lanes I found a tight line is better with a smoother roll...
Can I play it..
Oh yes! I now know how to make the Machine roll smooth or become a backend monster... all I have to do is swing freely or rev it up with my fingerwork...
Can I controll it`?
not good enough... I need to take some time and practice
But surely I would love to have a ball that does what the M does now but stronger and more reliable and I can shine the M back up a bit (well it will all by itself with time) and play the M where it is best... on meds!
I will see....
As I wrote... there are flaws in my game and thsoe often keep me from breaking through... but it is very frustrating being forced to play an undesired line...
The M is a great ball and I am glad I drilled it... but it is not really what works best on those lanes...
I play fast and I can rev it and yet often I saw the M skid throu... frustrating.. and then I have the line... let it roll and all ten go down as if pulled by strings... so satisfying!
I will see if the Robo will do the job if I can get one... on the more oily patterns it should be the best choice where the M is too weak... and then the M will do the Job once the Robo burns up.
Also I want to thank Thomas (username: TomWendt) already for his effords!
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson (\_/)
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