The subject says it all right here. What i've been noticing is that more and more people are coming back to Track again. Ever since the Ebonite buyout, we've lost a lot of Track exclusive bowlers, but after all the new, great releases Track has come out with, the Legion is definitely back. I for one, am one of the people who thought Track would be junk with Ebonite pouring their equipment from now on. As everyone knows, I purchased a Rising recently. It is such a great ball (if I can actually control it lol), and the ball showed me that Track is just as good as ever. If Track made some more weaker, pearl pieces, for much lighter oil conditions, i'd be all Track right now. In the mean time, i'll be sticking with my Rising, purchasing a Tantrum soon, and buying an Emerald Vibe for lighter conditions. In the long run, i'll be purchasing a Kinetic Pearl to have as a stronger pearl piece.

What do you guys think? Is Track really "BACK"? Is there others that are seeing what I see on the Track forums lately?
Thanks for reading!
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