Layouts are just part of the equation for matching a ball to a persons game and condition they are playing on.
Will need some more info from you like PAP, Axis Tilt, Axis Rotation, Ball Speed.
The 505A is a very good ball from what I have seen and the ones I have drilled for my clients. Looks like they are a little cleaner through the front of the lane than the previous releases.
I just drilled on for a really good tournamnet player. He has a PAP of 6 3/8 over and 3/4 up. Axis Tilt of about 10° and Axis Rotaion of about 40° and ball speed of about 17.5 off his hand. I set it up with a 45° Drill Angle, 4 1/2" pin to PAP, and a 45° VAL Angle. I also put a weight hole in P3 location on the Gradient line. The ball reads the lane extremely well and seems to keep the pins low and moving well.
Rick Guined
Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop: PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician
USBC Bronze Certified Instructor
www.viseinserts.comEdited on 12/10/2009 10:18 AM