Last night was my first league night of the fall season. Highly competitive men's league. Lots of bowlers who average 215+ in this league. The shot has been tightened up since the summer. More oil in the heads and longer down lane.
So, I proceeded to shoot 734 on the night. My 3rd 700 in 2 months and 2nd in 4 weeks. My overall night looked like this, 223,244,267.
I am very excited because I am able to hang up scores like the better bowlers do. I seem to be doing this on a fairly regular basis.
The coaching is paying off and I really think I am ready to get on my tournament shoes and see how I fair against the rest of the bowlers in my area.
BTW, I used my Mutant Mania, again!!
"Do the chickens have large talons" - Napoleon Dynamite
Proud Member of "The Revolution"