I have been bowling off and on for the better part of 15 years. I have never bought a ball in my life, I've received a couple hand-me-downs from my brother. The last of which was a Champions Warhawk. That has served me well for the last 10 years and works really well on older wood lane houses and even newer ones with light oil. Lately I've been bowling regularly on a house that seems to me to be more of a medium to heavy oil. Reading the reviews on this site I liked the comments from some of the new Track balls and decided for the first time to buy a ball. I settled on a Kinetic because I found a great deal.
Now the hard part, I have to get it drilled. I'm a career 180ish bowler and never really learned the craft other than throwing over a particular arrow and adjusting a board or two to get it into the pocket. I use fingertip grips and based on stuff I've read I think I'd be in the "stroker" category. I tend to start my approach right of the center, finishing around the middle of the approach, throwing a mild sweeping hook over the 2nd arrow, out a couple boards beyond that and then back into the pocket. The problem with the Warhawk has been with the heavier oil it will not always come back and sometimes slides leaving big washout splits. I have been successful moving way to the right, throwing a very straight ball down the first arrow and having it hook back to the pocket as well.
So the standard drilling pattern in the Kinetic guide looks like it should work for me. I plan to talk to the guy that runs the pro shop tomorrow. In the meantime I'm looking for suggestions. I've seen others references what seems like more than the standard 2 drilling patterns. The track documentation itself indicates there are more available on the track website but I'll be darned if I can't find them. Anybody have some good links to other documentation on the Kinetic?
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.