I see the break, and it hooks. I'm just not a fan of balls that aren't versatile.
Louis is right. Also, I shouldn't have said at 2000 it'll outhook anything in your bag. Some players may need more surface. Also, if your ball driller is a clueless one, then chances are he goes with the suggested drilling (or doesn't pay attention and gives it a traditional pin up layout) where some people may need something stronger.
I seem to have no problem getting it to hook. I had people at the demo day last weekend throwing it at 500 and it didnt stop. One guy in particular had the U[rising at 1000 and outhooking the momentum swing he tried. He went to his bag to grab a Cell, and said he was playing 8 farther left with the UR. (FYI, he was a pretty high rev player)