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Author Topic: Momentum Swing vs Uprising  (Read 1045 times)


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Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« on: September 01, 2008, 10:10:33 AM »
I just bought bought both balls and would like to lay one for medium and the other for heavier conditions. They advertise the Uprising for heavy and the Swing for medium to heavy both and as we all know advertisements tends to supe up the ball reactions. So if anyone with experience with both balls have any suggestions I would appreciate it. Assuming the same layouts surface unchanged. Thanks



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Re: Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2008, 08:01:17 PM »
Depending on surface prep, you really could go either way on either ball. A true heavy oil ball from either brand would be Resurgence or Rising. I don't know a whole lot of the Momemtum Swing. I have two UpRising, one is a great medium piece, one is great for heavier.
You could maybe do the #1 layout on the UpRising, adjust the surface as needed, and then do a taller pin layout on the Momentum Swing and then adjust the surface there as well. This should cover from medium to heavy-medium depending on how aggressive you get with surface adjustments.
Louis Franzetti

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Re: Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2008, 08:05:11 PM »
I guess I should read this all the way through. LOL
Tough to really judge how each will react depending on same layout because the core numbers between the two are not even close. The UpRising has a huge mass bias strength, good diff, and low rg. The Momentum Swing has very low mass bias strength, believe it is lower rg, not sure on diff. So, varying from layout to layout will have a greater effect on the UpRsing. Would be almost impossible to compare the two without know the layout you had in question. They might be somewhat similar with one layout and on totally opposite ends of the spectrum with another.
I think you will like both balls.
Louis Franzetti

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Re: Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2008, 08:17:06 PM »
Thanks for you reply Louis. Whats the difference with layout 1 and 4? Which one will handle heavier condition better?


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Re: Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2008, 09:22:13 PM »
My 2 cents for whatever it's worth:

With the Uprising being finished at 4000 grit Abralon PLUS a high gloss polish, I doubt it will be used for heavy oil by anyone short of Robert Smith-tpye revs. Both BTM and BJI reviews indicated a great ball for medium oil with its stock surface. A friend used it for the last 2 weeks of summer league on a medium+ oil, playing an outside line. He has above average revs and he had a great look with TERRIFIC pin action and carry.

Another thread in the Track (or the Miscellaneous) forum had several comments (some from lou, I believe) by people who had used it with 1000 & 2000 grit Abralon, no polish, and they were able to use it on much heavier oil.

The Swing comes sanded, much duller, 2000 grit abralon, no polish, and it is for medium-heavy oil. Both BTM and BJI had some good things to say about it, but not quite as much as they liked the UpRising for medium oil, though. (BJI positively overflowed with praise for the UpRising!)

Based on the reviews and on the comments I have seen so far, and on a couple of friends throwin the UpRising, I'd be more tempted (in fact, I have been EXTREMELY tempted to get one) to get 2 UpRisings, leave one polished for mediums and sand one duller for heavier oil patterns.

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Re: Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2008, 09:33:56 PM »
I have to agree with Charlest....The Momentum Swing comes a bit duller, and is more designed for heavier volumes of oil.  I've tried to lightly dull the Up-Rising, and it mostly just smoothed out the breakpoint just a bit, and didn't add much more hook than it already had.  The Up-Rising is more about backend, and taking advantage of the friction on the lane, the Momentum Swing is more designed to get a bit more traction in oil, start up a bit earlier, and have more predictability at the breakpoint.  Just as a brief example, if you wanted to have the pin below the fingers on the Swing, and above the fingers on the Up-Rising, and keep the surface on the Swing a bit more dull, you probably have a nice compliment to one another.


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Re: Momentum Swing vs Uprising
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2008, 11:57:40 PM »
Game, when you dulled your Uprising what grit did you have on it and which layout did you use? I was considering dulling the Uprising at 2000 for heavier oil and and pin up on the Swing for less oil. This logic was because they advertised the Uprising as for heavy oil(I do not believe with the polished surface but duller) and the Swing for medium to heavy. But they can be misleading. I would consider your suggestion on both balls also.

Edited on 9/2/2008 0:03 AM