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Author Topic: Leong - Hall Drilling  (Read 1048 times)

Lane Bed

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Leong - Hall Drilling
« on: November 20, 2006, 04:39:04 PM »
I've had this drilling for a year now and it was developed strickly for a THS wall pattern. Del helped get me started with it. I could not score well on a really walled up pattern. If you read my profile you will see that I bowled on some pretty tough patterns. Everything was always over under. This pattern gives you phenomenal carry. Cuts the 10's by two thirds. It works best with a sanded (mine is at 800) fairly agressive ball. Mine is on a GP2. I have 2 300's and countless 280's and 279's using this drilling. It is the RICO drilling for THS wall patterns. It works for all types of players. "HOWEVER" ... if the wall falls apart or you ARE NOT bowling on a wall this WILL NOT work. If the wall falls apart you have usually tracked enough oil to use something else and move very little. Enjoy!

Developed with Rick Leong of (Cal) and Kenny Hall of (NY).

Out of box GP2 with 4" pin - 3 oz. top

CG is in center of the gripline evenly spaced between the finger holes and thumb hole

Mass Bias is directly under the thumb 2 3/8" from center of thumbhole to center of mass bias mark

The pin is 4" perpendicular to the right of the CG and up 1"

The weight hole is 4 3/4" perpendicular to right of thumb and down 1"



-----------------O PIN
--------- o CG

-------------------X WH

EvErything fAlls On thE lanEbEd



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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 07:34:19 AM »
Hey Lane Bed, (How the heck are you?)

Good to see you out here again, always a pleasure working with you.  BTW, what does the pin and mb measurements look like for you on this ball.  I'm going to have to try a couple of covers with this.  Thanks for the info....
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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*El Presidente of the Track Legion

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 07:43:27 AM »
Whats the shape of the reaction?

Not exactly sure what Lane Bed gets but we were working on getting a very smooth and controlled reaction off the extreme dry yet have enough cover to eat thru the heavy puddle in the center.  

Basically, we were trying to remove the "over/under" look that we get from most normal drillings.  Extreme control with some continuation is what I feel we need to help with these types of shots.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff  
Vise Inserts Staff

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*El Presidente of the Track Legion

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion

Lane Bed

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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 04:08:16 PM »
Inverted 1, Rick hit it right with the ball reaction. I usually find where the oil line is first but not always with this ball. I just need to identify where the oil is. Then I set up my target area about 3 boards to the right. That gives me 3 to miss right and 2 to miss left. Because the cover is dull (and it must be a dull and fairly agressive product) the ball spins early but it will not cut into the oil. It tends to get very good length with a consistant arc to the pocket. It hits easy thus there are few ten pins. If I miss to the right because the ball spins early it develops a strong entry angle without a ton of drive, thus few corner pins. It is definitely a win-win situation. I have used this for a whole year before I put it on Ballreviews (I wanted to make sure that it worked) and have used in at least 12 different centers including guardian, plastic and wood surfaces. Wither I roll it or spin it I get the same reaction. I had a lot of apprehension about putting this drilling on here because it is just too good to be true. I thank Rick and Kenny for helping me (thus the Leong-Hall drilling).


REMEMBER - This is for a wall pattern only

EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanEbEd


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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 04:24:28 PM »
That my friends is a super symmetrical drilling.  Choose the pin distance to PAP you want to use for the amount of flare desired, and you want the pin to end up about 1 inch above the midline.  The MB dosen't have a specific distance to PAP, only that is ends up on the grip centerline.  Since the pin is only a short distance above the midline, the MB will end up very far below the thumb.  as Lane Bed stated, this layout works best with very aggressive covers.  I put this layout on an original Rule with a 4" pin distance,and it was mellow.  I could really square up to a house pattern, and get a great reaction.  NOTE:  this layout is not good for going left to right (right to left for the lefties).  It is a midlane heavy roll, and a mellowed out, smooth backend.  With a 4 1/2" pin to PAP distance, this is a great layout for high-rev players that have trouble with over reacting backends.  So in closing, match the pin to PAP distance with the aggressiveness of the ball before drilling.
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.

Lane Bed

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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2006, 04:29:11 PM »

I am not sure what you want to know about the mass bias and pin. Let me know. Del liked it a lot when I showed it to him. He is the one who talked me into putting it on here. Give it a try.


You can advertise it all you want ... you helped me develop it, thanks Rick.

I am very angry he is not longer with Track.

Bowling tonight...will be back late.

EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanEbEd


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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2006, 04:42:09 PM »
Had this exact drill on a MoRich RAVAGE sanded to 2000 grit. PHENOMINAL!!

Funny enough, this is a drill pattern that Mo Pinel was fond of for the same reasons. Del and Mo are good pals... Interesting!


Mission Statement: We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. Thank you.

Lane Bed

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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2006, 04:48:14 PM »

Now it has a name.

EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanEbEd


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Re: Leong - Hall Drilling
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2006, 06:14:24 AM »

I am not sure what you want to know about the mass bias and pin. Let me know. Del liked it a lot when I showed it to him. He is the one who talked me into putting it on here. Give it a try.


You can advertise it all you want ... you helped me develop it, thanks Rick.

I was looking for your pin and mb to pap numbers.  Got one ball laid out at the shop already (thanks DPat) that measures about 3/8 x 6 1/2 mb, 1 inch above mid.  Last ball I did a similar to was the Sapphire Zone and it rolled very nice from what I remember, thanks.
That my friends is a super symmetrical drilling.

Basically you're correct Traumatize, the typical recommended pin to pap distance for super symmetrical is 2.25 to 4.5.  This layout pushes the pin much closer to pap which in essence is what you state about desired pin placement for various amounts of flare.  I just wanted to clarify for those who do the super sym drilling suggested by Mo and Del.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff  
Vise Inserts Staff

See profile for Track Ball videos

*El Presidente of the Track Legion

Edited on 11/23/2006 7:11 AM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion