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Author Topic: Little help with the Rising..  (Read 3576 times)


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Little help with the Rising..
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:35:13 AM »
I picked up a used Rising with the #1 layout. Specs in profile.

I'm having a tuff time getting the ball to move on a reg house shot. Out of bax cover. No matter how deep I get in the lane, the ball just acrs a couple boards and quits ?

I'm also getting a odd flare parrern. The ball with tracking almost above the fingers ? Hiting any holes or anything.

Maybe a cover change >?

Anyone ?
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 03:41:37 PM »
I had the same problem with mine hardly any hook or anything..  it because the ball is burning up to early and doesnt have enough energy.  Try to polish the ball thats what i did had my pro shop polish it up it works better on any lane condition now and doesnt burn up so in return has more force threw the pocket


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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2008, 03:47:57 PM »
With some polish the ball will come to life. I used my Rising out of the box and it was arcing nicely but on a regular house shot it's too much surface. I would take it down to 2000 and add some polish to it. Depending how much oil you have I wouldn't over polish it to a glass surface. Also concerning the flare, my rings almost roll over my thumb which is not the norm for me but I do get over 5 inches of flare. It's my go to ball these days.


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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 03:49:17 PM »
1k no polish the ball will dominate a medium-heavy shot, i hated this ball until the surface change now use it weekly for games 1 or sometimes 2 .


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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 04:01:12 PM »
Do you have a pic of this odd track that you're experiencing?
If I had to put money on it and take a random shot in the dark, I'd say that the ball is probably burning up a bit...but that wouldn't explain the track you're seeing.

I've got multiple Risings that are anywhere from 500 dull to 4000 and polish.
The ball is quite versitle if you make a good decision on cover prep.
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Edited on 4/8/2008 4:03 PM


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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 03:55:55 PM »
I see an odd pattern like that, only on tues where there is alot of carrydown. I tug it and hang it up in the carrydown and have a track like what you describe. On good shots, it has a standard track though. Maybe it is the condition in your case too.

Deff change the surface i had mine at 4k polished. Worked like a charm. I need to twek the surface again.
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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2008, 12:00:37 PM »
Having the exact same problem. Thought about hitting the 4000 with Beans sauce to see if that helped.

I liked my mean machine at 1k no polish, but was worried that adding more surface to the Rising would make the problem worse. At any rate, think I'll try the 1k no polish tomorrow at league and if it does not work, Kinetic, Temper or Arsenal Artillery if the lanes are not oiled heavy.

I did like the Rising's carry at OOB, but if I got the ball out too far, the lanes were fried on the outside and it visibly struggled getting down the lane and hit like an absolute marshmellow. I moved inside but had less recovery with the Rising then I did with my Kinetic or Temper. If I made the shot, which was tight, the Rising carried the corners better than the Kinetic or Temper, just not much room to miss, probably due to my up the back release.

1k no polish the ball will dominate a medium-heavy shot, i hated this ball until the surface change now use it weekly for games 1 or sometimes 2 .

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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2008, 12:06:04 PM »

I'm willing to bet the #1 drilling doesn't work for you becuase your speed and rev raet are high. I'm the same and the demo day ball I rolled acted like yours. You probably should redrill it for #2 and polish it some.
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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2008, 12:47:07 PM »
if I got the ball out too far, the lanes were fried on the outside and it visibly struggled getting down the lane and hit like an absolute marshmellow...

If I made the shot, which was tight, the Rising carried the corners better...

You described the ball perfect ! If I send it wide, I get nothing, but if I tug it in the oil it will hold and hit..somewhat better.

I tried a well used 500 Abralon pad on it, just pu a couple pot games on it last night...and it won me some money

We shall see in league tonight....
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2008, 02:41:09 PM »
Yea. I want to see how it does on a fresh THS with clean backend. Our shot is more difficult than most I have bowled on and transitions different from week to week. Based on what I have seen, I know I will have to put the Rising up after the first game, if not earlier. My brother has a Cell and he looses carry with it after the first 7-8 frames most nights.

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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 06:45:12 PM »
mine worked best @ 500 and polished like a was an inside out shot ball for me.played in the heavy oil out to the dry with massive backend.the ball played alot like my mean machine but hit so hard that it left a ton of 8's and 9's.I ended up tradeing it for a machine and could'nt be happier.
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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2008, 08:12:49 PM »
Well this ball is officaly a flop..Just another ball made by Ebonite and rebadged.

This ball does what it wants to do. Get it outside and no hook.

Tug it and it goes stright.

This is all on a fresh, well oiled THS.

Mark this up as a failure....There was a reason I always stayed away from Track....Next Please
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...


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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2008, 08:50:52 PM »
Trade it with me then.

What do yo have to trade ?...I'm game for a trade !

Message me with what you got
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...

six pack

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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2008, 09:47:43 PM »
I don't think the ball was bad just the info on layouts.
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Little help with the Rising..
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2008, 09:57:20 PM »

Did you have the layout changed per your span? If it is drilled #1 based off of someone else's span the measurements could be off.

Carl Hurd
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