Having the exact same problem. Thought about hitting the 4000 with Beans sauce to see if that helped.
I liked my mean machine at 1k no polish, but was worried that adding more surface to the Rising would make the problem worse. At any rate, think I'll try the 1k no polish tomorrow at league and if it does not work, Kinetic, Temper or Arsenal Artillery if the lanes are not oiled heavy.
I did like the Rising's carry at OOB, but if I got the ball out too far, the lanes were fried on the outside and it visibly struggled getting down the lane and hit like an absolute marshmellow. I moved inside but had less recovery with the Rising then I did with my Kinetic or Temper. If I made the shot, which was tight, the Rising carried the corners better than the Kinetic or Temper, just not much room to miss, probably due to my up the back release.
1k no polish the ball will dominate a medium-heavy shot, i hated this ball until the surface change now use it weekly for games 1 or sometimes 2 .
Those that can do. Those that can't complain.