I'm not positive on my pap, I'd have to call my proshop when he opens, but I think it's about 5" right 1/4" up. I track very high, 1/2 inch left of thumb and 1" left of middle finger. I'm rev dominate, and I prefer an axis rotation slightly more than 45`, however I can make adjustments accordingly. Tilt, I don't think much if any. And yes my Equation goes long and snaps hard and I like it. This may be due to the pattern. My widow seems to hook to early and not finish as strong once the track develops. My Robo is in the bag for emergency and barely ever gets used. I don't want this PM to overlap my Equation, but If it laps the Widow a little I can always bring the cover on the Widow down some and use it for some heavier stuff. I'm pretty sure I want the MB to right of thumb for sharp break point, just debating on the pin placement. I am pretty well set on 41/2 from pap, just wondering how high. My Eq is a big inch up from bridge. Thanks for all of your opinions
Robo Rule
Black Widow
Scout Urethane