I have a 15.4# Up-rising with a 1 3/4 pin and 1 3/4 top. I drilled it with the Track #1 drill with no X-hole. I took it to my league with OOB cover and the ball was kinda squirty playing straight up 5. I washed out (I rarely wash out) and put the ball back in the bag.
Pro shop brought the cover down to 1500 and I played the same line and the ball reacted much stronger with good continuation into the pocket. I used it the last 3 weeks in league and I am pleased with the drilling and the cover now.
Last week the guy we crossed with had a brand new Up-rising (with blue swirls in it?) and his ball was OOB cover and he was getting a ton of under-over with it. His drilling was pin about 1 o'clock above the ring finger, cg in palm and mb down about 3-3.5 inches right of thumb. I was a little surprised at the reaction because I never saw that reaction from my Up-rising before I took the cover down. He was having a tough time keeping the ball in the pocket but when he did, the ball had fantastic continuation. It drove hard into the pocket. He was playing 15 to 5 but if he missed slightly left the ball crossed over. He's a 200 avg bowler but his set was only 167-166-172.
Go to the Track forum on their website and check out some of the responses about this ball. One guy drilled the #4 drilling and he quickly had to plug it and use the #1 drilling on it. I believe from the responses on the track site, most people are using the #1 drilling and taking the cover down some. It's working for me.
3 holes of fun!!