I posted this in the miscellaneous column yesterday and have received very little response to it, so am going to post it here as this TRACK Forum seems to be the most helpful on the entire BR site regardless of whether it is a TRACK ball or not. For what it's worth, no these problem balls are not "all" Track balls. Some are from other companies. Any how, here is what I need help/advisement on.........
........I've had some problems with some of the newer balls that supposedly have 5 second spin times and/or spin times in that area. They don't hook right or go to the pocket like they should and don't hit well when they do reach the pocket regardless of lane conditions or type of lanes.
I can pick up balls that have longer spin times, never tested spin times, strong covers, weaker covers, strong cores, weaker cores, etc. on the same conditions and these balls all work like they should.
Also on these balls with low spin times, I've plugged, redrilled, etc. trying various drillings, PIN positions, MB positions, etc. to try to make them work and it is still to no avail as they still don't work.
I have come to the conclusion that with my style of lower revs and speed (read my profile), that the balls with low spin times rev up too quick and lose their power long before they get to the pins. Even with high pins, it still seems to be the case.
Out of 3 of these balls that I have bought in the last few months, one of them will try to work a wee bit or so-so if I can release it with approximately a 90 degree release at the point of release (which I seldom can, due to my style) and it goes down the lane turning at approximately 90 degrees and not 20-30-45 degrees or so, it will show signs of trying to work. Also on these balls, I have tried every cover surface change imagineable and it does no good.
On my other balls with the same or similar drillings, it is the opposite. If I release at approximately 90 degrees or so, they skid past the break point and never recover good, but at 20-30-45 degrees, they work great.
To sum it up, my theory of all of this is that the low spin time balls rev too soon for me regardless of drilling and lose their "stuff" long before they get to the pins, where as my other balls do their skid, roll, and hook thing and work.
Does anyone agree with this and if not, do they ahve an explaination otherwise?
I need help here to keep from buying the wrong balls as happened with the last 3 I have bought. This gets expensive..........
Edited on 2/3/2006 3:58 PM