Picked up a used Machine off the forsale forum, it came yesterday. I went ahead and tossed some games with it today. Fresh THS, WOW this ball really rips the rack ! The ball sure does leave alot of stone 8 and 9's
I was laying the ball down about 33 over 4th arrow to about 7, this ball will turn the corner if you have revs ! Comes off the spot very hard for me, sudden change of direction.
Ball is laid out pin over ring finger, MB about 1 1/2 from thumb, highly polished. Bowlers specs are cranker, 425 rpms, 17.5 at pin deck.
I'm not a big Track fan at all, pretty much all MoRich in my bag,
but I had to try this one. Great job guys
Nothing but Dyno-Thane
Live by the hook...Die by the hook Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...