I recently bought an X5.0. Well, I was sick for two weeks and didn't have a chance to get it punched. I finally got it punched. I threw two games with it afterwards, but there wasn't enough oil out to really see what the ball will do. I went to practice last week, and same story with the lack of oil. Was really excited about taking to league Thursday night. The shot they have out, this ball should eat it up. First ball in practice, this thing hooks hard left past the head pin. I ask the manager who also bowls in this league, "Where's the oil?" He says they had trouble with the machine. I ended up using my weakest ball, no chance of the 5.0 seeing any action. I go to practice at lunch today, and they hadn't oiled today yet. I didn't find out until after I started, though. I really want to see this ball perform on it's intended condition. Frustrating!!!!