I would just like to say something to this person that refuses to reveal himself to me...
You have been doing this to me for quite some time...I believe it was you who tried to prank call me last night as well...I just wanna ask you a few questions...
1. What is your purpose for doing this?
2. Why are you doing this?
3. Do you get some sort of satisfaction from doing this to people?
This forum is for people who want to
A. Learn about bowling
B. Get better at bowling
C. Continue to improve their skills in a game they love so very much
I know a few individuals who are very negative towards bowling, yet they still continue to come down to a center to hang around for awhile...if you so desperately hate the sport, then might I suggest you finding another hobby so that you can have better things to do than trying to ruin it for the rest of us who want to learn and become better bowlers...
If you are carrying a burden on your heart, I will continue to pray for you, the individual that refuses to reveal yourself to me, I pray that you will find the path to light and truth...and make you realize that pranks such as these are pointless and totally unncessary...God Bless you all and to the ones who care about these posts, I appreciate your kind words, it just brings a heavy burden to my heart the people who have nothing better to do except do what "RIPSteveAustin 2808" is doing...God Bless you all and have a great week!
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