CG really isn't important on symetrical balls except in terms of keeping within static weights. When you kick the CG far enough to need a weight hole, the weight hole is what has the greater effect on changing ball reaction versus the CG. With the lower int diff of .006 and .008, the differences in placement will create a minimal change in ball reaction. Even symetrical balls have a mass bias, it is just in the same place on every ball (6 3/4 from pin through cg) so it is not labeled. There is a minimal effect on this as well when you place it in different spots.
Several people consider .008 and higher to have a noticeable effect on ball reaction and to be "truly" asymetric. From the several Kinetic/Kinetic Energy I have drilled, mass bias placement has made a minimal effect. I have two KE, both pin 5 from PAP, one has 70 degree drilling angle, one 45. They reacted virtually Identical. The 45 degree was over static weight. I then placed a weight hole in the ball and it now is a completely different ball.
Louis Franzetti
Track Regional Staff Member