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Author Topic: MB positions  (Read 1307 times)


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MB positions
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:51:51 PM »
My recommended MB positions are #3, 2, and 4.

In terms of ball reaction, what are the differences between these MB positions?  For sake of an example, let's assume the pin is located above the ring finger, where my PAP is 5 1/2 right 1 1/2 up, medium revs, 16-17 mph, 17 degrees axis tilt.

Also, what is the change in reaction as the pin is moved closer to the PAP, say right of the ring finger?  I believe I understand the relationship when moving the pin up and down, as far as earlier roll, but what is the relationship when moving it laterally?

If it helps, let's use the Arsenal Reactive or original Xception, as a ball, for this discussion.


Edited on 8/17/2005 8:10 AM

Edited on 8/17/2005 8:10 AM



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Re: MB positions
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 08:46:50 AM »

As for the mass bias, the closer you get it to your VAL, the earlier the ball will want to roll. So, mass bias position #1 (left of thumb) will result in the latest roll while mass bias #5(on VAL) will result in the earliest roll possible. So, for the 3 positions you mentioned, #4 will roll the earliest, #4 will be in the middle, and #2 will be the latest.

As for moving the pin, the closer you get it to your PAP, the earlier the ball will roll. Placing it further away creates instability in the core, making it track flare more and thus move more as it migrates throughout the lane.

Of course, surface will effect these descriptions and you can adjust the surface very easily if you do not get the desired results right away.


Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: MB positions
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 09:03:37 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

I think I may be confusing some terms.  When you say earlier roll, do you mean forward roll vs. moving / flaring?  If the ball rolls earlier, will there be less backend, because the energy is being used earlier?

What are the respective ball paths for the MB positions, in terms of length and backend?

Your paragraph below confused me.  If the pin is close to the PAP then the ball rolls earlier, which I equate to less length.  When the pin is further away from the PAP the ball flares more, which I equate with earlier roll, as well.  Where am I going wrong on this?


As for moving the pin, the closer you get it to your PAP, the earlier the ball will roll. Placing it further away creates instability in the core, making it track flare more and thus move more as it migrates throughout the lane



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Re: MB positions
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2005, 09:37:54 AM »
More flare does not equal early roll...more flare means more overall hook, and usually that is in the midlane to the backend.

When I say earlier roll, that means the ball will stop skidding quicker and start trying to hook earlier, which means it will have less left for the backend. Picture this..a ball can only hook the amount of boards it was created to...its up to you and the ball driller to determine where you want the ball to use its hook. The more you use early, the less you have left for the backend, and vice versa.

As for the ball reaction on mass bias...if you start at your VAL and work back to your thumb, the mass bias on your VAL creates the earliest roll...the more you move it to your thumb, the later it will roll and the more later revs (backend) the ball will have(thus the reason why my favorite drill is pin under ring, cg in palm, mass bias left of thumb...not only do I not need an extra hole, the mass bias left of thumb creates late revs (backend) for me..which I need due to a high track, little tilt, and some decent speed. Mass bias on my VAL also works very well for me..anything in between those 2 I have a tought ime with over/under.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: MB positions
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2005, 10:04:21 AM »
I think Clint has NAILED the MB part.

From reading his text I think he didn't put the words he knows to describe pin position.

Simple put the pin
3 3 /8 from the pap results in maximum flare all the way down the lane.

4 1/2 from the pap results in 2/3 of the flare potential of the core and this flare will happen late, late big reacting ball.
2 1/4 from pap results in 2/3 of the flare potential of teh core and this flare happens early and then reduces at back.  Smooth early reacting ball

5 3/4 from pap results in 1/3 of the total flare potential of the ball and there is minimal flare early and the little flare that comes comes late.
1 1/2 from pap results in 1/3 the total flare potential of the ball and the minimal flare comes early, ball actually goes sort of long as there is no migration of track or little(very smooth on wet dry) I am using right now.

Virtually no flare
6 3/4 from pap = virtually on track, no imbalance
0 from pap = virtually no flare weightblock on side and very little ball reaction.


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