Based on feedback from EXCALIBER, I went 4 7/8x4 1/4mb with the pin under bridge at 1 5/8 above mid line.
Okay, I threw about 2 1/2 games with the ball (during the tourney) and I can tell you guys it is very strong! It out hooked my Delta 1 by at least 6-7 boards overall. The cover is flat looking, not shiny whatsoever. Even with this layout (which 4.25mb) usually pushes me downlane, this ball grabbed a lot earlier then expected. Once it picked up, the continuation was incredible! It wouldn't stop coming back. The best way I can describe the finish or backend though is a perfect fit between resin and particle. It's nowhere near the jumpiness of resin or the flatter smoothness of a particle, it gave me a hard strong finish but you could still watch the ball path walk into the pins.
For most resins, I have to play away from the pocket because they will jump last second but not the Mean. It has to be the NanoTread at work to where Del described to me as to how the ball would create greater friction without losing the finishing power of a normal reactive.
The Mean read the mids quicker than my Delta and continued motion from there on. Hitting power was also very good because of it's continuation. Remember, this is the same house that I've been having problems with in the oil but the Mean gave me what I was hoping for, very strong continuous movement thru the pin deck. I went 245 (1 open) and 236 the last 2 games after I adapted to the strength of this ball. The ball actually gave me more room then I was expecting. The backend strength of this ball fooled me after how I saw it was able to read thru the oil as well as it did. When I trusted it, it gave me anything right of 15 standing 38. Bowl400 and minimum bob were with me on the same pair...Ramtart came by to see a couple of shots but I threw them horribly (rushing before the lanes cut off).
So far guys, it is very impressive. I will add one note to those concerned or asking about how a pearl can grab thru oil. I learned from Excaliber who spoke with Del and the best explanation is to understand that not all pearls are the same. Keep an open mind that mixtures of anything can be controlled to any degree, there isn't just one type of "pearl". Don't let this fool you, this ball flat out hooks!
More to come with vids....figured I match it up to the Robo and Delta.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Staff
www.Trackbowling.comwww.startabowlingrevolution.comSee profile for Track Ball videos
*El Presidente of the Track Legion
Edited on 7/5/2006 4:07 PM