Went to practice tonight...here's a video comparing the three balls:
Rule Delta 1 vs. Rule vs. Xceptionhttp://media.putfile.com/DeltavsRulevsXceptionThe Rule Delta 1 and Rule are drilled the same - pin under ring, mass bias in strong position - and the Xception is drilled with the pin above the bridge, mass bias in strong position. Surfaces are as follows:
Rule Delta 1 - OOB - 900-grit
Rule - scuffed with green scotchbrite pad and finished with Clean N' Smooth
Xception - wetsanded to 800-grit, polished with LOTS of Magic Shine
Here are two more vids if you're bored and just want something to watch, lol!
Rule Delta 1 going high
http://media.putfile.com/DeltagoinghighRule Delta 1 striking
DinoEvolutionary. Revolutionary.
TrackEdited on 10/5/2005 2:17 AM